"I got it off this year"

"You did what?" She was astonished.

"We've never been able to spend one together, so I thought we'd just maybe go riding and watch the firework show in the trunk of my car at the pond maybe.... that is if you're up for it"

She lunged forward, planting an kiss to his lips. His big hands wrapped around her, laughing away as she attacked his face with more kisses, softer then the first time.

"Soo, yes?" He wonders in the midst of her affection.

"Full of surprises aren't you, Mr. James"

She cracks an smile, pushing her lips up against his again.

"I'd love to. You of all people know how much I love the fourth of July, after Christmas of course"

"Good, I'm gonna go over and help my mom's for a while, but I'll be back in time to take you to the place I'm wanting to go"

"Oh? Loving the sound of that. Keep this up Mr. James and you might manage to keep me out of my clothes for much longer"

She batted her lashes, flirting with her eyes. An throaty, deep laugh serenaded the room.

"That's kinda the idea, love. I'll pick you up from here or your parent's house"

"It's coo, I can just meet you there"

Trying to hold in her excitement, failing miserably.

"Aight. Well, I better get going for work. Got any plans I don't know about?"

"Not really, just some errands to make and the store to reup on some things for the inventory"

"Alright, I'll be seeing you after my shift's done"

Spencer informs her, leaning in for an kiss that she happily gives to him. Needless to say, Olivia felt happy and whole again. After Spencer jetted off for work, Olivia made her way to her family's store. Pushing through the door making her presence known, she found her mom rearranging products on the shelfs.

"Good morning mom!"

She beamed walking over to help.

"Good morning, honey"

Her mother's eyes narrow in, studying her appearance.

"You've got an glow going I see"

"An glow?"

"Yep, one that's seen when your happy"

Lips pursing with an tilt to her head.

"I am, Spencer moved in, like I already informed you of"

"Hm, well I'm glad the boy's finally got an good sense about ya'll future, but his timing on things is an bit questionable for my taste"

"Mom" Olivia sighs, pushing her hand over her forehead.

"Don't you mom me. There's the right and wrong way to go about things and this is not the way to do it" She protested.

"Simone and Jordan lived together just like Dillon and Jayla, I didn't hear you say anything about that" Her daughter gently reminds her.

"That may be fine for Grace and Carter's cluster of kids, but your daddy and I are not the same" She bated, adding on,

"Grace taught her boys about the importance of being married before doing that. But you know what they say, you can bring an horse to the water, but you can't make em drink it. Mothers do all they can to raise their children up the right way and they still can get it wrong"

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