This chapter of 'The First Year' is called "Memories"

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*A few years later but two weeks after the wedding*

"Hey, Big Blue, you still with me?" Chilli asked.

"What? Oh yeah, love I'm here. Sorry, got lost in thought I guess" Bandit replied with a shrug.

"Well, we still need to move all these boxes in the house still and hopefully start unpacking the necessities." Chilli started to pick up some of the heavier boxes from the moving truck only to leave the lighter ones to Bandit.

"Hey!" He shouted to her as she was walking into the house, "I was suppose to get the heavier ones to show off my strong muscles!"

"Where are the muscles when I need them?" Chilli shouted from inside the house now.

Bandit glanced over at his arms and started to poke his hidden muscles and his stomach. "This is all just water weight right?" He asked himself out loud.

As he started to step out of the moving truck, he looked around at the neighborhood and glanced at the houses nearby. He took a deep breath in and started to remember when he had asked his wife to marry him. The wind started to blow and he felt like he could still catch a hint of Italy in the air. Maybe one day, they would be able to go backpacking to that exact spot and relive the memory. Bandit took another deep breath in. 'This is our life' he thought. 'This is where we will be'.

Chilli stepped out of the house and back into the front yard as she started to walk to the truck. She saw her husband standing there reminiscing on a memory it looked like. That or something was wrong. She walked up closer to him.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Oh yeah of course! No problems at all here," he said cockily leaning against the side of the truck trying to act strong. "But just to be sure, are you asking me because I haven't come in the house yet with a box or because it looks like something is wrong?" He joked around.

Chilli reached for his paw. "Both. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just hard to picture things moving so fast." He looked at their new house. "I mean, the wedding was what, two weeks ago? Luckily, we were able to save money on the wedding by having it at my brothers house near the pool, and now we are actually moving things in. We just closed on the house after signing all those documents that same week. And thank goodness we actually found the house before the wedding."

Chilli stood there still listening to every word he had to say expecting more. Even the last breath.

"Yeah a lot has happened, I can agree on that. And I know a lot of things have happened to other people around us too. Like, Radley falling in the pool AT the wedding."

This made Bandit laugh. "Classic Rad".

"But," Chilli took a deep breath. "We'll be fine. We have so much to look forward to here and think about all the times people helped us with this process and the wedding. Your brother and Trixie are on the way over here to finish helping us unpack things too. Everyone is wanting to help us and we will have those people to continue to help us too! We may be together in our new marriage, but we aren't alone in the battles."

Bandit opened his eyes a bit wider processing everything that his wife had told him. "Wow, I- I don't even know what to say after that". Chilli pecked him on the cheek

"You can say thank you." She said to him with a slight smile. "Now come on and help me move more of these boxes inside so Stripe and Trixie can help us unpack. Right now, I got more muscles than you!" She started to walk away with more boxes in tow.

"Hey, you take that back!" Bandit yelled to her. "Now I'll take all the boxes inside in one trip!"

"Be careful, we don't want you to hurt your back at such an early age! You'll need it later on."

The First Year: A "Bluey" StoryWhere stories live. Discover now