"So, how's work going at CCPD?" Y/N heard Iris ask.

"It's going well. Finished just enough to bring you lunch." Barry said, as he sat down with Iris at another table, while Y/N was doing his best to look as anonymous as possible.

"Caramel Macchiato." The barista called out. Y/N took it gratefully and was about to leave, but saw Barry pull out his phone before looking around and running out the door. Y/N found this odd, so he quickly followed, but when he got out of the coffee shop, Barry was no where to be found.

"What the..." Y/N looked to his left and right, trying to see if he missed him, but saw nothing. He drank a bit of his coffee before hearing sirens in the distance. And they were getting closer. "Red streak." Y/N realized, before speeding off. He rushed towards the sound of the sirens to see a car chase, the police following a stolen truck with masked individuals firing at the police that were following them. "Robbery? At least have some dignity to do it when it's not a time when people are trying to have lunch." Y/N complained as he looked down the street to see a police blockade. Familiar faces at the front of the blockade stuck out to him. Joe West, Captain Singh, and Eddie Thawne. "Great. More people I don't want recognizing me."

Y/N was about to leave, when he saw a red blur rush in and the parts of the truck were suddenly taken apart one by one. Y/N quickly used his speed to match what was happening, and saw a man in a red suit with a lightning bolt symbol on his chest using mechanic's tools on the car before grabbing the shooters and throwing them to the side. Y/N was impressed with the guys performance, but noticed that the truck wasn't going to stop in time, and was going to crash into the blockade.

(Barry's POV)

As I finished taking care of the shooters, I turned back to see the truck barreling towards the blockade, and saw that Joe wasn't moving as the rest of the police force were running to the side. I ran as fast as I could, but I knew I wasn't going to make it. I was sloppy, and it was about to cost Joe his life. But then the craziest thing happened. A red blur grabbed and moved Joe out of the way and to the side, and the truck missed him. I let out a breath of relief and rushed to him.

"Joe, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." Joe nodded. "Thanks." I shook my head.

"Joe, it wasn't me." I said. "I saw someone who can move like I can. I couldn't believe it. They saved you." Joe looked at me in shock before patting himself down.

"Whoever it is, not only did they save my life." Joe groaned. "They also stole my wallet." My eyes widened as I looked around. And I saw them. In a red hoodie, staring right at me. They tilted their head before speeding off.

"What the hell?" I asked.


"Wait, so there's someone else out there who has speed like yours?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes, and they stole Joe's wallet, meaning they might have planned the robbery that I stopped earlier." I explained.

"So what are we calling him?" Cisco asked. Both Caitlin and I gave him a look. "What? It's what I do. I give names to people with superpowers." I sighed.

"Cisco, can you see if there are any high-speed disturbances that aren't me?" Cisco began typing away at his computer and a screen popped up with a red line leading to a random part of Central City. "That's where the disturbance ends." I eyed the screen for any locations the other speedster might have gone to. And one caught my eye. I quickly dialed Joe.

"Hey Joe. Do you have any charges on your credit card at the Central City Hotel?" I asked.

"Funny you should say that, because I just got a call confirming I booked a suite room at that very hotel. Me and Eddie are about to go and figure this out." Joe said.

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