Family dinner and the mysterious pipe

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News Reporter: Thanks for tuning in to channel

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News Reporter: Thanks for tuning in to channel...

Luigi: Hey.

Then Y/N and Luigi came in.

Luigi: Eh, you're not bringing us down. You know what? What do they know, huh?

Mario: It's not just them. Our whole lives, everyone's telling us we can't do this, we can't do that. I'm just sick and tired of being so small.

Y/N: Hey, don't worry. Soon, we'll prove them wrong.

As Y/N predicted, the news suddenly catches him and Mario's attention.

News Reporter: A water main burst underground today, stopping subway service and flooding Downtown Brooklyn.

Y/N: Turn up the volume!

As Mario did what he was told, the news shows the water main spilling water onto the street. The mayor, Pauline, speaks with the reporters about this situation.

 The mayor, Pauline, speaks with the reporters about this situation

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Pauline: Everything is under control, I promise you. We are very close to fixing this.

A citizen runs in, shakes Pauline and grabs a reporter's microphone as a manhole cover shoots high into the air.

Citizen: Out of the way ma'am! Somebody help! Somebody save Brooklyn!

Then Y/N thought of an idea.

Y/N: That's it! If we fix Brooklyn's problem, everyone won't treat us like a joke!

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