AU/AE: Stellarlune 37 (part 3)

Start from the beginning

"I agree completely," Keefe said. "We know each other better than anyone else in our lives—and we have for years. And I mean...we've practically been dating for years already, the way we have trusted and relied on each other, opened up to each other, more than anyone else. I'm just saying...others won't understand."

"As long as I get to be with you," Sophie whispered.

Instead of answering, Keefe placed his hands carefully on Sophie's waist and kissed her.

And while it did make her long for the intimacy they'd shared earlier, it was also very nice on its own.

"What I'm dreading—apart from telling Fitz that you and I are dating—is having to go to bed tonight."

Keefe smirked. "You that worried about Gigantor?"

Sophie shook her head. "I just...I'll miss you. After what we shared back in that hotel room, I wish I could've just curled up in your arms and fallen asleep in them."

Keefe gently squeezed her waist and whispered "me too. Sophie, I'm so sorry. I should have controlled myself."

"Don't blame yourself, Keefe, it was both of us."

"Yeah but I'm the one who started it. I was already having a hard time focusing, because for some reason seeing you wear my was...very enticing. And then you were sad and angry and crying and I just wanted to bring back that bliss we both felt during that first kiss. But then when I kissed you again it started getting more passionate very fast. And it felt like your emotions were screaming for me to get even closer."

"That's because they were," Sophie told him. "All I could think was that I wanted more. I was scared I was losing you and I wanted to be as close to you as possible."

"But still. I should have controlled myself. I should've realized what had you so upset. I didn't have to lead you into the bedroom. Or take your shirt off..." his voice trailed off as the heat returned to his eyes.

"I'm sure my emotions didn't help," Sophie reminded him, trying to ignore the way her pulse was quickening as they both remembered the things they had done. "You could feel that I wasn't protesting it, not any of it. I was encouraging it."

"Didn't make it okay for me to act on it."

"It's like you said earlier. We were rash and we lost control—both of us. I won't let you take all the blame."

Keefe kissed her again before letting go and taking a tiny step backward. "Okay then, Foster. We'll both take the blame. But for now I should probably say goodnight and goodbye. But first..." he grabbed his duffel bag, reaching inside, searching for something. "I got you something while I was in London. Just in case I ever saw you again. And maybe it'll make going to sleep tonight a little easier."

And he produced...a little stuffed elf.

Sophie giggled. "You got that for me?"

Keefe smiled at her. "I know you like stuffed animals, and when I saw this little elf and realized that's exactly what you thought elves were like before you knew you were an elf..."

"It's perfect," Sophie said, giggling at the way Keefe was making it dance.

"And this way," Keefe added with a whisper as he handed it to her, "you can curl up with this stuffed elf tonight and go to sleep with that small reminder of me."

Sophie smiled. "And you'll be back in a few hours, for breakfast?"

"Yes, but if you can't keep that adorable blush out of your cheeks then your parents will figure out what happened tonight and Grady will Mesmer me to go jump off that cliff over there."

"I'll do my best," Sophie promised.

Days passed. Sophie and Fitz completed their Cognate Inquisition, and she told him that she and Keefe were dating.

Things between them were strained, but Fitz had told them both that he wanted them to be happy and didn't want to lose either of them, which made Sophie hopeful that things would work out.

Keefe began training with Grady. It was odd, really, to have to figure out a new ability when he was past manifesting age and had already graduated from his Elite levels before the event happened.

So no Mentors to help him.

Not that anyone could. This was a new ability.

But Grady's ability was somewhat similar, and he was adamant that Keefe not have to try to figure things out on his own.

Especially because once he had to face Gisela again, he needed to be in control.

But it wasn't entirely successful so far.

He needed that third step to Stellarlune, but they were no closer to figuring out how to get to Elysian.

And Sophie and Keefe were trying to avoid being alone together, choosing not to spend any time in Keefe's apartment but staying at Havenfield. Mostly outside.

The one time they tried to hang out in her room, things started to get pretty steamy and they would have wound up in bed again had they not known Sandor was just outside her door and her parents were on the grounds.

But then one day, after spending hours together in the void with Silveny, Keefe trying to mimic his mom to find out what she might be hiding, he told Sophie he wanted to show her something.

And he lead her to the Grove, showing her a beautiful clearing with glowing toadstools and vines creating a lace-like canopy overhead.

This was undoubtedly the place Flori had told her about.

"I found it the other day after training with Grady," Keefe explained, taking Sophie's hand. "I thought maybe...maybe we should remember that it's okay to have some romance in our relationship. I know we feel like we have to tread really carefully now, and that's just not how I imagined it would be if we ever got together. And then I saw this clearing and just wanted to share it with you." He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. "I love you, Sophie."

"I love you too." Sophie rested her head against his shoulder, content. "And I couldn't picture a more romantic spot."

Keefe squeezed her tighter. "I'll never tire of hearing you say that." He was quiet for a moment, then he leaned back to look at her. "And...I have an idea that might help us. But you might not like it."

"Uh-oh," Sophie said with a slight laugh. "That's not a promising start."

"If you don't want to do this, we won't do it," Keefe assured her. "But after the near miss in your room the other day, I started wondering. I think we should continue to be careful to avoid being completely alone, but I think maybe..." he hesitated. "Maybe we should consider telling Sandor what happened."

Sophie's eyes widened. "Are you serious? That's not much better than Grady finding out."

"Well he might want to kill me," Keefe agreed with a smirk, "but I think he'd also be able to help. If he knows that we want to make sure we don't slip up, that we are wanting to move slower than that and that we just lost control that first night...then maybe he could help keep us accountable. And we have his discretion, he won't tell anyone."

Sophie frowned. "You might be right. I mean, it was knowing Sandor would hear us that stopped us the other day. So it makes sense. I'll think about it."

"Either way," Keefe murmured, running a hand through her hair, "I'm content for now to just stand in this clearing with you and enjoy being together."

With that, he moved his hand under her chin, tilted her face up towards his, and kissed her.

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