Running off a man because your scared of being left again.

Then again, a man can't leave that you were never with. It still doesn't make it any easier.

"Let me meet him", she perks up at me with a wide smile. Knowing her she'll probably ask him a million questions.

I shake my head, "it definitely won't be today ma'am. You need to be finishing your homework and stop bothering me", I playfully scold her. I try to keep her on track here as much as possible so she could spend more time over here. Our parents felt that she's a burden on me but she made my day go way smoother. Sometimes I played parent to make sure she stays on top of her work and not caught up in gossiping.

"So imma meet him soon?"

I put my hands on my hips. "honestly I don't know"




8:17 p.m

"You think it'll be weird to pop up", I ask sniper who's sitting on my porch with a blunt in his hand. He looks back at me with an amused expression. I know he's probably tired of me bringing Ameila up but I can't help it. The fact that I haven't seen her in the past few weeks is killing me. Of course we have the phone calls and texting but they will never hit the same.

I want to see her in person.

I have to see her in person.

Sniper exhales smoke from his mouth, "Nigga just pull up. You acting like a damn crack head, up here fidgeting and shit"

I hit the back of his head and he winces out of reflex. "I'm just saying man, no girl has ever had you this invested. I'm shocked"

Relationships aren't really my thing. I'm not bad at them but finding someone genuine is rare in this generation. Everyone wants the finer things, money, cars, big houses but where's the love? Why do I have to buy a girl's affection? If I have to spend over a thousand every time we hang out, I might as well be a sugar daddy at this point. The expectations for men or dating in general has been a headache lately.

My past talking stages seemed so static. The connection isn't really there and all we did was fuck. Fuck until the attraction fades.

We never got deep.

Most of them probably couldn't even tell you my favorite color if their life depended on it.

I'm nothing more than a handsome face and a dollar sign.

Not to Ameila, I'm more with her. I'm myself with her. We have a connection, a spark that's out of this world. I'll be a fool to not continue to explore it. "I'll be a feign, if that proves to her that I want to stick around", I admit and go inside to grab my keys off the counter. "Lock up once you get ready to leave", I walk past him and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Get her my nigga", he laughs and points to me as a sign of encouragement. I salute him and hop in the car.

Will I look like a creep?

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