"You told me you didn't get hurt though." You tilted your head in confusion.

"I didn't. I managed to dodge it, but it just escalated from there. I didn't even want to fight." 

You nudged him with your arm, "Don't worry about it. It's over with." 

You were interrupted by a small ding coming from the shop as you watched Hayakawa place down two bowls on the counter, before lifting up his small bell and hitting it repeatedly.

"Alright, alright!" You went to go grab the food but Todoroki stood up and offered to grab both bowls instead, since he had two arms to hold two bowls. 

He came back shortly, but paused when he didn't know how you'd be able to eat with one arm. After a short silence, he cautiously placed one bowl into his other hand and used his free hand to create a chunk of ice for you to place your bowl on.

You thanked him as you both ate the soba, Todoroki seemingly in love with the dish before him. You preferred hot soba so you blew cautiously on the noodles before eating them. After a minute or two, you paused.

"So, well, it's time you knew more about me. We've been friends for the entirety of our time at UA, and you deserve to know more about me." You looked at him as he stopped eating and nodded, listening attentively.

"So, I have two older brothers - Isamu and Hiroshi. I live with my dad, but they lived with my mom. My mom left when I was 14 after my dad found out that she was cheating on him with multiple men. I was..."

You gulped at the recollection of your countless beatings and threats of worse punishment, "Beaten. A lot. Uh, abused, I guess you could also say. My mom was and  is a piece of shit, and her scumbag boyfriends were never any better." 

You found yourself clutching your skirt in agitation, your grip on the fabric tightening with every thought of your mother. Todoroki seemed to notice and he placed his hand over yours. 

"You don't have to talk about it. It's obviously hard for you, so don't force yourself." His voice felt so soothing in that moment and you let go of your skirt, taking a deep breath and leaning backwards against the wall.

"My mother... sold my body to men for a quick cash grab. It didn't matter how much or how little, she holds no regard for her own child. Her only daughter. And it didn't matter how much I tried to please her, because it was the same every night." 

"My mom would come home, completely fucking wasted, with a random guy holding her up. They would... y'know... and if there was even the slightest thing that would've reminded her of me, she would've sold me." You looked down towards your hands, before briefly meeting Todoroki's gaze. 

He wasn't saying anything. He was just listening. Letting you speak. You felt a warmth in your heart before looking away and sighing.

 "A photo, a toy, a ribbon or even a singular strand of hair - it was enough for her to get a quick 10,000 yen. I... I was raped multiple times by different men from a young age. I had little to no control over my quirk, and it was only when I turned around 13 that I started fighting back. But what use is there in a 13-year-old girl fighting against a man double her size and three times her age?"

You chuckled drily to cover up for the growing lump in your throat as your voice threatened to waver. Suddenly, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and you froze in shock and confusion.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable." Todoroki lightly pulled you towards him as he hugged you. "I'm sorry."

You felt his chest rising and falling as the world seemed to fall silent for the moments that he embraced you. You slowly raised your hand and placed it on top of one of his, holding his arms against you. You leant your head against his chest.

"Why would you be sorry? It couldn't possibly be your fault." 

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that. But, I appreciate the courage it took for you to talk about it. I could tell it was hard for you." He didn't say much more as you both sat there, his arms around you. 

You sniffled softly and rubbed your eye, "Thank you."

"For what?" 

"For listening. For just being there. Letting me speak." You looked up at him, smiling warmly.

"Don't worry about it. I guess it's fair to say that you should probably learn more about me too, but maybe another time." You nodded, when you suddenly jumped up.

"Oh shit! What's the time?! Hayakawa-san! Do you know what the time is?!" You called out to him as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, reading the time off of the glass. 

"Uh... 9:38am. Hang on, aren't you two supposed to be at school?"

"Shit! Sho, we're gonna be late!" You fumbled with your bag, quickly slurping up the rest of your soba and sitting up. He'd already finished his food, so he quickly grabbed your dishes and placed them on the counter while thanking Hayakawa for the meal.

"Y/N! Are you two bunking?!" Hayakawa called after you as you painfully forced your arm through one of the straps, Todoroki helping you put the other one on.

"We have a free period since our class got cancelled! We definitely aren't supposed to be out of the school and the next lesson is about to start, so see you later Hayakawa-san!" You spoke so quickly that even Todoroki couldn't understand what you were saying, but you had no time to waste.

The two of you sped down the streets, your feet pounding against the pavement. It came to the point where you'd resorted to using your quirks; Todoroki using his ice to slide him down the road while melting it behind him, and you pumping electricity to your legs to speed you up.

Skidding on dirt, you swerved into the school building, panting breathlessly as you rushed into the class you were supposed to be in. The two of you received some confused glances, but they all shook it off.

You were thankful to see that Midnight-sensei was late for class. You and Todoroki shared relieved glances before going to your seats and preparing for the lesson.

Warmth [Todoroki x Fem Reader - MHA/BNHA]Where stories live. Discover now