8: With a single bright ray of light, shine on me

Start from the beginning

"Come in" Said Minji as she stood aside, the words coming out softer and quieter than she anticipated.

Once Bora was inside, Minji closed the door and walked her to the living room.

"Wine?" Minji pointed at the bottle on the table, not really knowing what else to say. She was wearing that same green turtleneck sweater that Bora had burrowed, she noticed. She looked all soft and fuzzy.

Bora hesitated a bit, before shaking her head. "No, I'm not really in the mood of alcohol right now."

"Oh," Minji wasn't expecting that answer. She glanced sideways at the brunette woman, who was still standing by the couch. "Then, uhm..."

"Do you have tea?" Bora suggested instead, sitting down and finally looking back at Minji with a gaze that was nervous, but comforting. Minji smiled,

"Yes. I do have tea. I have lots of types, actually." She said, feeling a bit more at ease, but still sounded nervous. Bora secretly found it endearing. "Matcha, Peppermint, uh, maybe Camomille? Or herbal..?"

Bora couldn't help but laugh, "What are you, a tea collector?"

The owner of the house also chuckled, a soft one. It was evident that she felt a lot more relieved now that the other woman made a joke. "Well... You must know much more about my personality, now."

The aura was still awkward, but at least they were smiling.

"I'll have the one that's your favourite."

Minji nodded firmly, walking to the kitchen "Camomille it is, then."

Bora stayed on the couch, quietly staring at the wine bottle that Minji forgot to take away. She clasped her hands together in her lap, shuddering at feeling how cold they were.

She looked around the room. It was the second time she was here, but it felt more familiar than that. As if her eyes were so used to the light of this room, her feet used to walk against the fuzzy carpet.

The feeling wasn't cosy, though. It was solemn and hollow, and Bora just couldn't help but reminisce about what happened just a few days ago.

But Minji wasn't acting cold. It didn't seem that she was angry either. But her eyes that night... The thought of what happened makes Bora's stomach curdle simply, her tongue becoming a cotton ball, absorbing all the wetness; but she tried to move the disturbing thoughts away.

She came here to take her dress.

And she would not let her weak mentality complicate things even more than they currently were. If that was even possible.

"You okay?"

Bora almost jumped at the noise, not realizing that while she was deeply in these concerning consuming thoughts, Minji had come back and was currently sitting beside.

Bora saw two mugs on the table, both of them decorated with pink flowers.

Bora offers a slightly watery smile in confirmation, then turns to stare back at the mug, staring at how the steam arose from the tea like a fog, just like the mist that her mind was currently stuck in.

Minji considers for a moment saying something more to Bora, considers offering some sort of comfort, but then decides against it. So she just reached for her mug and took a sip of the tea, closing her eyes as the hot liquid met her throat.

"God, I'm glad you chose tea" She said before taking another big sip. "Way better than wine."

Bora chuckled, eased up a little bit. She took her own mug, holding it in her hands to receive some warmth for her frozen fingers, then took a sip of her own.

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