4: Even after the moonlight disappears

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[Chapter title from the lyrics of 'Whistle' by Dreamcatcher]

"Okay... I need you to explain the situation more clearly, here." 

Minji didn't exactly acknowledge how she ended up in her friends' house, sitting on the white couch next to Handong and receiving a questioning from the married couple after she blabbered out random words about what happened today and the bothering thoughts that have been hovering over her mind lately. 

She hissed in a breath, shutting her eyes. 

When she was in trouble, she usually never really shared it with anyone, trying to find a solution by herself. And she was as confused as the two of them sitting in front of her after she came her, searching for help. 

"So... You're into two women at the same time?" Now it was Siyeon's turn to take the action. Minji looked at her friends and thought of them as the two very different detectives. One of them - calm and thoughtful, another one - straightforward and aggressive. Minji didn't need to specify which one was which, it was already too obvious. They gave each other the roles the day they got married. 

Handong and Siyeon have been married for four years, adopted Yubin when she was 2. Their family was everything Minji adored. They had perfect dynamics, great communication skills with each other, and most important of all, both of them were such good parents for Yubin. 

Minji leaned over the small table and took the mocktail in her hand, sipping a little before falling back. Siyeon had made cocktails for Handong and herself, bringing this one for Minji since she has to drive home. "I like this one, what's the name?" She bobbed her head towards the blonde who she saw was making these earlier when she arrived. 

"Oh, for god's sake, just tell us what happened!" Handong was losing patience, and that definitely said something about the situation. Minji has never seen Handong lose her patience. 

"Okay, yes. I am into two women, and it is as confusing for me as it is for you guys." She replied sullenly, poking her bottom lip out the slightest bit. Her voice low, so different from her positive and happy voice. It was more raspy, deep. "But both of the feelings are just so... different. As are the women." She licked her lips that went dry on the thought of... First: Bora, the woman she has been thinking about since the first day of the semester. How soft of a smile she has, and how great the mother she is. And then... 


And what happened tonight when she visited the bar. What she did when she visited the bar. 

She ran her fingers through her hair, feeling cold sweat on her scalp. "For one of them, I feel the utter affection and protectiveness whenever she's around. As if I want to embrace her for the rest of my life. She has the prettiest smile and the most beautiful shade of brown eyes that I have ever seen." 

Handong gave her a narrowed look, looking deeply in thought. "Who is she?" 

Minji took her drink to her lips, sipping slowly, probably searching for a reason to not talk. But then she lowered her glass, biting the inner side of her cheek before glancing at her friends. "I do not know if... I can talk to you guys about her, yet." 

"And why is that??" Shrieked the blonde woman, and Handong and Minji already knew that she was feeling drunk. "Is she working at the school, is that what it is?" 

"N-No! She's not working there, no..." She felt an uneasy ache within her, an unsatisfied pang that haunted her insides. Siyeon was dangerously close to the truth. 

Handong noticed the change in her voice, in her appearence. She brushed her blue hair out of her shoulders, giving her wife a glance, "Siyeon, I think I heard Yubin's voice. Could you please look if she's awake?" 

Gift Me Your Wings - JiboTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon