Crutches Are A Pain

Start from the beginning

"You're an asshole." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know, I don't know when you got such a colorful vocabulary." He said, placing both of his arms on the table, laying his head on his arms, but still looking up at me. Honestly, I knew where I got it from, but I didn't want to tell Shikamaru because it wasn't worth it.

"Who knows." Was all I said, and Shikamaru just nodded, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and throwing the amount of money on the table for how much our food was, never lifting his head up until he got up from the booth and walked over to me, extending his hand to help me up. I laced my fingers with his, and he gently helped me up before handing me my crutches. He made sure that I was perfectly comfortable before he let my hand go, and we began to walk again.

"I wanna take you somewhere." He said, and I nodded my head as we walked down the streets of Konoha. Eventually we got out of the town, and made a left turn towards a large him. I glared at Shikamaru slightly, and he stopped looking back at me. "What?" He asked, and I looked back up at the hill, then down at my crutches. Shikamaru groaned loudly and walked over to me, picking me up bridal style in his arms. He carried me all the way up the hill, and I made sure to keep my crutches close to me.

He sat me down on the top of the hill, and then laid his body down beside me. I laid back in the grass, as we both just stared up at the clouds. We sat in a fairly comfortable silence, until he broke it.

"This is where I used to come when you were gone. I would sit up here, and I would bring a lunch with me to. I always brought your favorite food, and I would sit up here and eat, looking up at the clouds, just hoping that you would magically appear here, and everything would be okay." He said, and he glanced over at me. I turned my head and looked back over at him, placing my hand on his arm gently.

"I always sat right here, and that is where I cried a lot. One day, I scared the crap out of my mom and she thought I had gotten taken too because I cried myself to sleep up here. She was running all around the town, but my dad found me up here and cried me home. I have to say, I had never ever heard my mom scream as much as she did that day, and that's saying a lot." He chuckled, and I gently brushed my thumb against his smooth skin. "I never knew how bad I depended on you and your friendship until it was ripped away from me." He sighed softly, and I moved my hand down slowly so that our hands were laced together.

"Well, I'm back now, Shikamaru, and I don't plan on leaving ever again, I promise you." I said lightly, and I felt his hand tighten around mine. I squeezed his hand back gently, and looked back up at the sky.

"Remember when I promised you that I would never hurt you, when we were like five?" He asked, and I nodded. He looked over at me, turning his head completely in my direction. I turned my head to look at him, and we caught eyes. My breathing caught in my throat slightly, and he continued to talk.

"I still promise you that."


Shikamaru and I stayed up on the hill for a few hours, before he carried me back down onto the flat land. I knew that his mother would want him home before supper, so I smiled weakly at him when my feet touched the ground, and my crutches were under my arms.

"Go home, Shika. You have about ten minutes before your mom will beat the shit out of you for not being home on time." I said, and he sighed very loudly, mumbling a 'what a drag.' under his breath, before he nodded and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back weakly, and a blush formed on my cheeks as I felt his lips press a gentle kiss against the top of my head. He let me go, and turned on his heel, walking away from me. I smiled slightly, and began to wobble away on my crutches.

I won't say that I got very far, because I didn't. I ended up loosing my balance, and falling to the ground. I groaned loudly as I rubbed my back, before seeing how far away my crutches had fallen from me. I sighed and fell back against the groan, throwing my arms over my chest and pouting.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now