"You are mine and only mine."

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You were with your father, the king of Vanaheim, on a vacation to Asgard to meet the royale family. You weren't really excited nor happy to go there. There where many stories they told you about the king and his daughter. That they are feared all around the whole 9 realms. You never understood why, well they killed many people and were really cruel but that still hadn't make you feel fear.

"Y/n at least try to smile." Your father said as you walked down the rainbow bridge. "Isn't like i want to be here father and beside i'm sure that his daughter doesn't smile either." That was all you wanted to say to that. "But she isn't my daughter so smile or at least be polite." He gave you a small glare to which you nodded.

As you continue to walk down this damn long bridge you saw two person standing at the end of it. "Polite y/n." "Yea yea." That made your father huff hoping you would do what he says.

"Welcome to Asgard." They white haired man said. "It's a pleasure to be here your majesty." You rolled your eyes to that it wasn't a pleaseure for you at all. "This is my daughter Y/n." Nodding slowly to that you saw how Odin was about to give you his hand for you to shake it but of course you didn't take it. "Temperamental, that's good. Anyway this is my daughter Hela." She didn't looked at your father, just at you. Maybe she thought about killing you for being so disrespectful to Odin. You tilted your head at her and saw how the corner of her lips turned up lightly.

"This way." Following Odin and Hela through the palace you started to get bored and decided to continue the tour on your own, well at least you hoped that but Hela of course notice that you were leaving and followed you quietly.

Seeing her in the corner of you eyes you stopped immediately and turned to her. "Okay what are you doing?" "Following." "Don't you have to kreep up some asses?" You asked and waited for her reaction. All she did was lifting head up slightly with a smirk. "Kneel." You huffed and shaked your head "Never." She was dead serious about that and you could swear that she wanted to attack you so you leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "You can't attack me i am your guest~" Now it was her time to huff as she walked away from you.


It's been now 3 weeks since you arrived in Asgard, Hela and you grew a little closer. You both found out that you have a lot in common for example you both liked the same things like fighting or scaring people. You even tried a few times to make her kneel. Never worked.  The weird thing was you barely saw your father in this weeks but you were to busy with Hela to care.

"I have a question Hela." "No i won't kneel for you." Shaking your head you continued. "No not that. I mean this thing on your head is that a helmet or a crown?" That question made her look at you. "Uhh it's both i guess, i never really thought about that." You huffed again.


Over the time you two started to train together and even went on a few small wars on one of the 9 realms. It went quite good between you two so good that you could call yourself 'friends' but none of you liked that word so it stayed by Y/n and Hela.

Sometimes Hela got one of her 'moods' that made her tease you all the time trying to get you nervous and shy. She often leaned closer to you and whispered in your ear or pressed her side against yours. You never really cared about that, you actually liked that sometimes. One night you two get drunk on one of those parties on Asgard and nearly ended up kissing each other in front of everyone. Of course none of you remembered that so you didn't believed it when they told you that.
It wasn't like that Hela isn't attractive because she is but you never really felt something towards her and that was good.

The other night you two waked up in bed together, her spooning you and an arm wrapped around your waist tightly. Well like a goddess should be she really looked peacefully while sleeping. You didn't stare at her. Okay maybe a little. Soon you started to feel a strange sparkel inside you whenever she smirked or just looked at you with those grey eyes. So you decided to go other ways than her because that feeling had do go. She on the other hand, which you never thought she would, started to feel those strange things towards you too and was really disappointed as you began to distance yourself from her.

One day you couldn't handle it anymore. You needed to see her. So you watched her as she trained. How her body moved got you blushing lightly and you decided to leave again but she throwed a sword at you which landed right in the wall next to you. "Why do i never see you around?" Hela asked. "I have things to do.." "Lie." She could read you like a book. "Tell me Y/n, what's wrong with you." Why did she had to lean in. You looked in her eyes and than at this lips of hers. Sighing deeply you leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips which caused her eyes to widen but eventually she gave in and kissed you back. Taking this at your chance you layed your hands on the back of her neck pushing her closer to you. She grabbed you under your ass and lifted you up to push you against the wall. You immediately wrappes your legs around her waist. "Don't say a word about this." She carried you over to her bedroom and again slammed you against a wall. It was quite a new feeling to have sex against a wall. It was still very good and you could say that it was the best sex you ever had. Now you even understand her helmet or crown or horns or whatever that is but it's a good hold to grab onto when you two kissed or having something more intense.

After that you had more and more sessions with her. All of them were great, she showed you things that you never felt before. At some point she started to call you by nicknames and not by your name. They were simple but effective.

"Y/n darling be a good girl for me and kneel." Not once did you kneel for someone. No one did make you kneel but her damn you didn't even thought a second before you knelt down. "Knew you would be obey me dear." She was really sweet towards you but to the ones that just dared to look or speak at you, she sent a glare or killed them with her swords. At this point you knew you were hers and decided not make her change her mind about you.

"What did he do?" "He looked at something that's mine."

She grew more protective over you. It was quite sweet that she cared so much about you. But as sweet as she could be as jealous she got. It wasn't a bad thing you always had to fun watching her beat someone up. Your parents knew about this thing between you two as you nearly kissed each other for the first time ever.

"Just for you to understand Y/n. You are mine and only mine."

Hela Odinsottir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now