"We both said yes." Athena told her future dead mother in law.

"It was by far the happiest moment of my life." Artemis added and Athena agreed with that.

"I am so happy and can't wait for the wedding." Scarlet said and she was practically jumping up and down. Sally could tell that the two were nervous very nervous.

"I am not going to hurt you are threaten you two. I know I get over protective when it comes to my son but that is how I am. Thalia has spoken highly of both of you as have Hades, and Nico. So I will not do anything." Sally said which caused both Athena and Artemis to relax. Sally switch from her happy tone to her scary tone.

"However if you hurt Percy in any shape or form I will find away to harm you." She then went back to happy mode and the four just talked. Towards the end she had this to ask.

"So will I have grandkids soon?" This question caused both to blush bright red. Now neither were against it but both were not ready yet.

"We both like the idea but are not ready yet." Artemis said.

"After we are married is the earliest." Athena said. It surprised Artemis that her sister could speak since she was so embarrassed. Athena did not handle embarrassment well. Sally started to laugh.

"I know I am just messing with you a mother has a right to mess with her daughter in law. Besides I have a granddaughter I am in no hurry and neither should you two be. It will happen when it happens." The four just talked and had fun till the three living beings went home. Percy had gotten news to everyone about the party in a few days. Once they left Sally did not tell Nico the news.

"I am guessing we will find out in three days. Percy is having a party then. I can wait and I figure it is good news since there was no violence." Nico said. Sally just smirked her creepy smirk and walked away. Nico was left scared and wondering if he should get a new chief.

The party was starting in a few hours. The three days had been busy for the family but it was a fun busy. Percy made all the food when he was not needed as the King of the Gods. He was not making any blue food only his family was allowed to have it. The blue pancakes were an addiction to Athena and Artemis.

Percy knew that Annabeth would find out the truth tonight and he would most likely lose one of his first friends. He was a little hurt by that but he knew that was the way life worked. Sometimes friends drift apart and move on. Artemis and Athena knew this since Percy shared all of his feelings with them.

One by one the party goers arrived. Aphrodite was the first to arrive this caused the three to laugh at her eagerness to know what had happened.

"Looks like I lost the bet o well." Percy said this caused Aphrodite to give the confused look.

"We bet on who would be the first to show up. Athena said you, Artemis said Annabeth and I said Thalia so I was wrong." Percy said.

"So what did Athena win?" Aphrodite asked.

"I won a shoulder rub he is really good at them." Athena said. This was something Percy would do every week give a shoulder rub to his girlfriends. Sometimes he would give it three to four times a week.

"So are you going to give me one?" Aphrodite asked.

"Nope only Athena and Artemis get one." Percy said which caused the goddess of love to pout which in turn caused laughter from everyone.

"Are we making fun of Aphrodite why did you not invite me?" Everyone knew it was Ares. That comment earned him an elbow strike to the ribs which caused him to double over in pain. Aphrodite may look weak but she was stronger then she looked. Percy was smiling and trying not to laugh at his friend.

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