Your Fave Producer Jack (:

             Im sooooo sorry Tay it was leaked 
             Idk how they found out, we were 
            so careful 

                                                                                  It's completely fine Jack it's not your fault I would
                                                                                  say it's mine but we all know it's theirs. 

           Yea ur right I already have security out 
           there and the police have been called :(

                                                                                   I'm so sorry I know I said it wasn't my fault but I still feel                                                                                     guilty 

            It's not your fault either 

"Ok, Y/n/n let's get your mask on." I tell her swapping out my phone for her little black mask. 

When Y/n was about 3 I went out and chose a bunch of these masks in loads of different colours and then a couple of fun animal ones. 

"No thank you, Mommy. No mask today. you said I shouldn't need to wear one." Y/n says looking back out the window 
"Y/n I wasn't asking hunny look at me please," I tell her gently moving her head forward and towards me around the car seat headrest.  I manage to slip it on placing it carefully over the two braids that lead to the two little ponies when she starts to cry 
"No! I don't want the mask." she sobs then tries pulling the mask off but just ends up hitting herself in the face with it making her sob louder. 
"Y/n calm down. please." I say slightly agitated as we approach the venue because I can hear people scream as other people arrive
Oh, darlin',
don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up
Don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you
Won't let no one break your heart
And no one will desert you
Just try to never grow up
Never grow up" I sing after taking a deep breath in to calm myself. this song has always been Y/n's favourite. 
"don't you ever grow up." Y/n whisper-sings after wiping her nose with her sleeve. 
"There we go." I smile moving to kiss her forehead. 
Then the car pulls up.

"Mommy they're really loud." Y/n tells me 
"I know come on." I reply unbuckling her car seat and then helping her down off the seat onto the floor of the car. 
I take a step out and everyone goes nuts I look around to try and spot security before I let my Kid out into a possibly dangerous situation, I just awkwardly smile and then I see a couple of them struggling to keep the barrier up and contain people. I begrudgingly help Y/n out of the car and to my displeasure the screaming doubles in volume people yelling her name I can tell it spooked her. People get even more excited causing even more struggle for the poor security guys trying to contain everyone. they weren't prepared for this. 

We start walking to the door some fans try grabbing at Y/n making me more and more upset but I don't show it I just smile arwkendly and wave with the hand that wasn't firmly holding onto Y/n's pulling and gently weaving her away from the prying hands. then when someone pushes over the barrier and it almost hits my little girl I start to reach my wit's end.

"Nope, This is not happening," I say out loud the immediately Pick Y/n Up into my arms much to her displeasure she starts to complain and whine.
"No, I want to be a big girl!" 
"Down mommy!" 
"enough Y/n." I tell her firmly but I think she gets the message when someone screams loud right in her ear. 

Then trips me over.  

"Shit!" I yell using my body to protect Y/n's.
The police then immediately try to take the people that tripped us away and others helping me up. I immediately check on Y/n before anything else.
"Y/n are You ok baby?" I ask her worried she could be hurt but she just nods and starts crying into my neck wrapping her arms tightly around it. I quickly jog inside to be met with lots of concerned stares which Y/n's sobs didn't help. I start to rock slowly to try and soothe her. She's scared, tired and hungry.

"You guys ok? it's crazy out there." Jack asks approaching us 
"yeah I'm ok, I think I just scraped my knee. Is there anywhere I can go to calm this one down?" I ask briefly lifting Y/n higher to show who I was talking about.
"Of course, there's a sofa just around here and I'll see if someone can find you a plaster." he says leading us to this little white sofa.
"Thanks, Jack and I am sooo sorry." I say sitting down and placing a hand on the back of Y/n's head 
"here you go and don't be ridiculous Taylor this isn't your fault." he tells me passing me a plaster which I accept because I can feel it bleeding. 

Jack walks away back over to his bride to try and enjoy the rest of the party giving Y/n and I some privacy 
"hey, little Lady are you ok?" 
"I'm ok." she answers me not moving 
"Can you just sit next to me for a minute? I have to just put a plaster on." I say gently.
She nods and I place her next to me. I carefully roll my skirt up to see my knee and it's worse than I had expected.
"Ohh cr-curpcake." I correct myself
"Curpcake?" Y/n repeats innocently 
"that looks ouchy." Y/n says pointing at my bleeding knee. 
"Yeah! umm Hunny can you go get me some napkins? there just over there and you can take the mask off now." I ask Y/n pointing where they are making sure she's seen them but she looks hesitant then carefully removes the mask placing it on the sofa. 
"What if they get me? What if they get you?" Y/n asks with scared eyes. 


"Curpcake?" I question but I just let it go.
"that looks ouchy." I say pointing at Mommy's bloody knee
"Yeah! umm Hunny can you go get me some napkins? there just over there and you can take the mask off now." Mommy says but I'm not sure I want to take it off or to go by myself. But I take the mask off and put it down on the couch. 
"What if they get me? What if they get you?" I ask Mommy
"They aren't going to get me and they can't get you plus the napkins are just over there." Mommy explains
"I'm not sure." I whimper looking down at my fingers 
"You can do it Y/n. Please Y/n/n do it for Mommy?" Mommy asks me again 
"Ok... Just over there right?" I ask 
"yep." Mommy reassures 

I hop off the couch and start walking across the room jumping and moving around all the grown-ups when I see a napkin holder on one of the tables but it's a really tall table so I can't reach it. I go on my tippy-toes and reach up as high as I can but I still can't reach when I hear someone talk to me. 

"Woah! Oh Hey little... girl. do you need a hand?" he asks me almost falling over me.
he has a gruff but soft voice he sounds a lot like Papa.
"ummm can you pass me some napkins please?" I ask quietly 
"ok.... here ya go!" he says happily making me smile a toothy grin 
"Thanks!" I thank him before running back to Mommy almost tripping over other grown-up's shoes. 

"I DID IT MOMMY!" I celebrate handing her the napkins and jumping up and down.
"Good girl!" Mommy compliments me. then wipes her Knee with it making me grimace 
"Ouch." she hisses then firmly presses the bandaid on it. 
"Mommy you all better?" I ask 
"Yea all better!" she exclaims happily standing up off the couch. I quickly run to her.
"Up please Mommy," I ask raising my arms 
"Are you sure? you didn't want me to carry you before." She questions me but I rapidly nod my head. So she lifts me onto her hip 
"you ready for food now?" Mommy asks me 
"Yes! Food!" I excitedly yell.


I think I might hate this but started this last night at like 2am and I'm not joking. But I really wanted to publish something else and when I saw the footage from the real-life thing this story immediately popped into my head. I swear I will do someone else other than Taylor soon. Also, it won't let me add a photo so yea. be safe, be good and do ur homework. 

Love ya guys <3

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