2 - Academy Begins

Start from the beginning

A ripple of murmurs went through the class, indicating a general agreement. "And since we have so many new additions coming to our classroom next year, I suggest that you take advantage of this time to relax and catch up on your reading."

There was a murmur of discontent amongst the students, but nothing too unusual. All freshmen at the elite school were expected to spend some time outside of their rooms on breaks to interact with others, as well as learn about various aspects of the world. However, as a student in the English Department from the previous year, Gabriel never understood why. It seems a bit redundant to spend their free time wandering around the grounds. After all, most of the time they spent locked inside their rooms studying either for exams or trying to catch up on their reading. If they were to do anything else, then surely they would miss out on some of the opportunities to become better writers, producers, or artists, wouldn't they?

But when he looked over at one of his best friends, Félicité, a beautiful brown-haired girl, seated across from him, he saw her sitting upright, her gaze transfixed on the professor as she held her notebook open in front of her, listening intently.

He noticed the way her cheeks flushed slightly when Professor LaVallée addressed her directly, and he found his lips curving into a gentle smile.

He couldn't wait for both semesters to begin.


Meanwhile, outside the classroom, the three people Gabriel saw earlier were walking down the hallway.

"Are you sure we're heading to the Principal's office?" Asked the pink-haired person. "This building is awfully big and fancy. Is he expecting us or something?"

"For the third time, yes! Stop being impatient. You're supposed to be a knight, ya know!" Responded the black-white-haired male, exasperated.

The pink-haired turn to him with an eyebrow quirked, "Says the one who's holding a school map to find the headmaster's office instead of asking other people." A pointed look was given.

"Wasn't my fault that you were being difficult. It won't matter how long we take. We'll end up at the right place." Replied the dual-haired colored boy.

"Well," the pink-haired said, eyeing the map carefully, "if we keep going in this direction, there ought to be a staircase to the left." They turn left.

The boy was dressed simply and impeccably. With his pants, neat hairstyle, and well-styled clothes, he was quite striking.

The pink haired wore a short purple jacket that shows the belly, a black skirt over long black socks.

The last girl followed close behind, dressed similarly to a student uniform, but she was wearing a pair of long black socks, a skirt, and a simple white blouse underneath a dark blazer with a blue tie around her folded collar.

As they reached the end of the hall, the male stopped in front of a large mahogany door and knocked twice. There was a brief pause, and then a voice called out from inside. "Come in!"

When the boy pushed the large mahogany door open, the trio walked into a large spacious office with a desk and sofa facing each other.

On top of the desk sat a middle-aged man with glasses and thick eyebrows, staring intently at two papers on his desk, oblivious to the three visitors standing silently in the doorway. The man was dressed in black slacks, a white shirt, a grey bowtie, and a black blazer. He was the Principal of Coeur Académie.

After clearing his throat to get the principal's attention, the boy stepped forward and spoke. "Ehem."

The Principal looked up at the sound of footsteps, his face showing a hint of a big surprise upon seeing his guests. He stood up hastily with respect and admiration for the three figures before him.

The Principal of Coeur Académie bowed respectfully. "Principal Jules Quincy. I apologize for not noticing you sooner, but I was very busy preparing for our meeting. I assure you that I am indeed glad to meet you and welcome you to our institution. Please, sit." He gestured to the sofa on the right.

He clasps his hands together, "It's truly an honor to have you here." He admitted. "You're stories are inspiring, and your presence is a testament to the enduring spirit of France."

The pink-haired chimed in, "None of that now! We are in a casual setting. Let's not waste any more time than necessary. Just tell us straight away: What's the reason for us being invited here?"

This time the tall male gave his companion a pointed look.

"Ah...of course. It's not every day that the Coeur Académie was to be selected to be attended by historic figures that shape this country's future. I can assure you that you won't regret it for an iota,

–Your Majesty Charlemagne, Mademoiselle Jeanne, and Sir Astolfo."

"Stoop with the formalities!" Astolfo wailed.

"Yeah, I would rather not be regarded with pleasantry too. Call me Charles! Or Charlie too!" The king in casual outfit exclaimed.

"Then you may call me Laeticia Arc, as part of our cover in this prestigious academy." The Maiden of France nods.

She turns to the Principal of Coeur Académie. "We’ve heard about your distinguished credentials during our journey here. Our interest in Coeur Académie is not limited to this. We are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the mysterious incidents involving certain young people, your unfortunate students." She paused a moment as sorrow crept into the headmaster's eyes.

"And that is why we are here, to prevent more of these incidents."

"Ah, so that's why," Astolfo muttered from the sidelines.

"Your respectfulness," The Principal began, "if you are looking for clues about a possible villainous conspiracy against the Coeur Académie, then please feel free to consult me on any matter of importance. Although I will not pretend to know what exactly is causing all of these tragedies, I shall provide you with anything that you might need."

"Excellent!" Said Astolfo eagerly. "What do you think happened, sir?" He asked beside Jeanne. "I mean, aside from those two boys who got themselves attacked by vampires, that is. Why did they attack them? Were they the ones causing all this trouble?"

The Principal now revealed to be fully aware of the Supernatural World, cleared his throat. "No...that's the thing. Their actions are far from typical. The two men in question appear to have been killed rather than having their blood simply used. That is what we believe."

Laeticia narrowed her eyes at this information but remained silent as Charles and Astolfo began discussing the cause of the attacks.

She listened as they explained the situation, nodding and speaking whenever the headmaster paused to explain something recent to them. "So then we must investigate further." She concluded.

The Principal nodded. "Very well. I wish you luck. Now, let us talk about the current matter of your covers..."

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