Chapter 1 grace

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Alex handed me the keys to our new apartment "Ready""Ready" I opened the door, immediately the smell of plastic hit me. I looked inside everything was covered in plastic but it was home, Adam turned to me "So what do you think I know it's small but on-"I cut him off by hugging him "I love it""I knew you would"I turned around as soon as I could hear my little sister's voice "Graccieeee is this your new house""Maddie" I picked her up and swung her in the air while she giggled I looked up to see my mom in the doorway "Mom"I ran up to her and hugged her "It's a lovely apartment""Thanks Adam actually found it""Nice to see you again Adam" she said while shaking his hand "Nice to see you again too""Well, I'm sorry I can't stay long I have to drop Maddie off at school and I have to go to work come along Maddie""Bye sissy"
"Bye Maddie bye mom"I said as they left "I'm exhausted" Adam said with a yawn
"Who knew girls had so much stuff "he says while I laugh
"Here I got us an air mattress till our bed arrives", I said while passing him the box with the air mattress in 

He grabs it and goes into the master bedroom to blow it up till I hear a loud bang
I rush into the room to find him stood over the mattress which now has a giant hole in the side
"I guess we're sleeping on the floor", he says while laughing
2I guess we are" , I set up blankets on the floor and end up falling asleep on it

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