11. Teacher

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It is almost universally recognized that teaching is a noble profession. Professors create the foundation of society by guiding others and honing their skills, allowing the doctors, lawyers, and engineers of the world to be as skilled as they are.

And yet, despite having this information, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as I remained hidden in the kitchenette.

How did the perenially cursed Ayanokoji find himself in such a miserable condition? Prepare for a tale that will shake you to the core, the pitiful autobiography of a luckless boy-

Ah. Sorry. I had been searching for methods to improve my social skills on the Internet and found an article related to the usage of detailed descriptions when narrating events. Practice is important when learning a skill, but should not interfere with other imperative objectives.

Anyway, this is the tragedy that had ocurred.


After meeting me, Hoshinomiya-sensei had run off for some inexplicable reason, screaming about something or the other. Shortly after, Chabashira-sensei had arrived, her passive expression showing the barest hint of a smirk. She scanned the area, as though puzzled.

"Strange. I thought she would be lurking around here somewhere."

So Chabashira-sensei had expected Hoshinomiya-sensei to be here. I wondered if their relationship was truly as close as how Hoshinomiya-sensei had described it. It would be difficult to imagine our serious, expressionless teacher calling that coquettish woman "Chie-chan", but one could never be sure.

During one of our conversations, Yamauchi put forth an interesting theory. Ike and Sudo had expressed their dislike for Horikita and how her beauty was a waste because she would never do lewd things. However, Yamauchi argued that while Horikita acted cold and aloof on the outside, the Ice Princess would indulge her lover in many secret pleasures that ordinary girls could not provide.

If anyone else had expressed such a thought I would have dismissed it, but when Yamauchi spoke, it was in one's best interest to listen. Even a moment's lapse of concentration could result in the loss of a lifetime's worth of wisdom.

I could explore the application of Yamauchi's theory to Chabashira-sensei's friendships later, but currently, the top priority was to continue this conversation.

"Uh, who are you talking about, Chabashira-sensei?"

"Oh, it's nothing important. Come with me to the guidance office, Ayanokoji."

"Did I do something wrong? I've been trying to keep a low profile here."

Chabashira-sensei's lips curled upwards.

"A good answer. Follow me."

Chabashira-sensei appeared to be walking in the general direction of the guidance office, but then she took a bizarre detour in the direction of the kitchenette, which was attached to the corner of the guidance office. I wondered if this was part of the school's culture; when engaging in discussion, participants were provided with food and beverages.

Chabashira-sensei placed a kettle above a stove.

"I'm going to make tea. Is roasted green okay?"

I was curious as to how the principles of tea ceremony could be applied to modern technology. Unfortunately, Chabashira-sensei did not wait for my response.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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