10. Class Points

710 48 38


I woke up to the aroma of freshly prepared breakfast as a blond-haired girl leaned over me, an eager smile on her face.

"Good morning, Ayanokoji-kun! Your breakfast is ready. Get ready fast, you don't want it to get cold!"

Chocolat had adopted the role of a caretaker in the past week, fulfilling many of my physical needs.

"314 more seconds..."

I groaned, pulling the covers over my face. Being an average human was a task that required an individual to be well-rested.

Unbeknownst to Chocolat, I had woken up, brushed my teeth, taken a shower, and even exercised several hours earlier, and had only returned to bed for a short nap to replenish my energy reserves.

Chocolat huffed, putting her hands on her hips. She fixed me with a stare as I peeped from underneath the covers. Rolling her eyes, she appeared to ponder a means to hasten my rise from the bed.

It was remarkable that with minimal exposure to human society, the girl had already acquired many forms of human body language, gestures, and mannerisms.

No, this was not a time to think but to rest my body and mind. 271 seconds still remained.


There it was. I could feel the Chocolat's presence as she waited for her slave to awaken. It was as though the angel sent to save me from my terrible curse was actually a sadistic devil in disguise.

My mind sifted through a selection of music pieces that would describe the terror I experienced in this moment.

I wondered how she would make me do her bidding. A stab with a deadly weapon? A threat along the lines of "if you don't get up, I will bestow additional punishment upon you"?

"If you don't get up, I'll kiss you!"

What a creative threat. Though many high-school students considered kissing to be a highly-anticipated moment, with a few even making it their raison d'etre to procure a kiss from a certain person, my adrenaline-boosted brain instantly pierced through Chocolat's disguised venom.

Kissing was an activity that posed a significant danger to the human body. An intimate kiss lasting 10 seconds exchanges 80 million bacteria between the participants. These germs can cause a variety of problems, including glandular fever, herpes labialis, and tooth decay. Overall, though contracting these problems is of low likelihood, the consequences can be significant.

What is this...? A strange force is overpowering me...

I cannot resist...


Kissing is clearly an activity that provides great benefits for the participants. The bacteria exchanged during kissing can boost the immune systems of the participants, while many hormones causing pleasurable feelings are secreted. In addition, kissing causes the dilation of blood vessels. The positive impacts of the dilation of blood vessels include but are not limited to lowered blood pressure, relief from cramps, and the alleviation of certain types of headaches. The production of saliva during kissing may dislodge food particles caught between the teeth, making it a countermeasure against tooth decay and cavities.

Given the clear benefits of kissing, I used my average grip strength to hold the blanket over my head, allowing my internal clock to count down the seconds until I was to experience the enhancement of my health.

The image of a certain dark-haired classmate briefly flickered in my mind. No, we were not the same.

Chocolat tugged at my blanket multiple times, pulling on the fabric with her small pale hands to no avail.

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