Chapter 41: Pushed him too far.

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Iyana's POV

"Unjani baba?" I ask trying to lighten up the mood but he doesn't buy my skelm for one bit. "Chaza Iyana." he says and i let out a nervous chuckle. (Explain.) "Baba I need to go to a meeting in a few minutes so I can't explain." "You said I must sit down so you can explain so please do it." "Ngiyakucela baba. Please wait for me and then I shall explain after the meeting." (Please.)

"Fine. Make that meeting quick." he says. "I can't control the duration of the meeting." I say. "Ungazongiphaphela naleslungu sakho sase private school." That keeps my mouth shut. (Don't be forward with me with your private school English.) "Ngiyaxolisa. Let me get going so I can be back sooner." I start taking my stuff and call Bokang to set up the boardroom.

"Ciao." I say. "Ciao yamasimba Iyana." he says. I stand up and take my things and leave. One thing about my dad is that once his pissed off he is really pissed. He will throw insults at you until he has calmed down and by the looks of things I doubt he will calm down any time soon. I get inside the boardroom and sit down.

"What's up love?" asks Bokang. "I just fucked up big time." I answer. "How did you fuck up?" "So I was talking to the guy I'm with and i think my dad overheard the entire conversation so now he wants me to explain." "Yoh girl you really fucked up big time." "I can't even lie or try to spin a story cause he will see right through me." She chuckles.

"I wish you luck for the wrath you are about to face." she says. "Just kill me. Once my dad is angry it's like I'm in a lion's den. Funny how he manages to make you feel his anger yet his exterior looks calm and collected." I say. "That's a skill." "I'm doomed. I'm sure Nkosinathi told him." "Why would he tell him?"

"I don't know maybe because his jealous that I have someone and he doesn't." I answer. "No Iyana don't be like that." she says. "I'm not saying he did it I'm saying there is a slight chance and i want to ask him about it." "When you confront him please do so calmly." "I will be." "Okay let me leave you your meeting can arrive any moment." I nod and she leaves.

A few minutes later there is a knock on the door and a tall, dark and handsome man walks in. This is what women want when they say tall, dark and handsome. I stand up and shake his hand to greet him. His touch is firm. Let me get my act together and not go all crazy over his handsomeness.

"I thought I would be working with a guy." he says and my face falls. His one of those handsome men with a ego and are also narcissistic. At least my boy crazy moment ended as soon as it started. "Not all men are creative. I'm Iyana Dlamini." I say. "I'm Nathan Munyayi." "Its good to meet you. Can we get down to business."

"Isn't there a male person I can talk to about this. I don't trust a woman's opinion about anything. They only belong in the kitchen." he says and i take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. Today is not the day you can piss me off and get away with it. "Aren't you currently working for a woman? Aren't you building a hotel that was created by a woman? I'm not about to deal with your shitty woman belong in the kitchen stuff. I don't have time for immature men whose ego is the size of an elephant yet their brains can barely comprehend half of the stuff that happens around them. I refuse to be disrespected by you. I wanted us to come up with a plan on how we can match the interior and the exterior of the hotel but no you busy coming here with your shitty behaviour. Don't think you ate with that women belong in the kitchen comment because you are just a sorry of an excuse for a man. Now get out."

"With pleasure." he says. "And I'll also let Ms. Xundu know that she hired a wrong landscape artist. I'm sure you work isn't that excellent." I say. He stands up and comes closer to me. If he thinks he will scare me with his not so intimidating look then his wrong. "If you want to hit me do it." "Bitch." "Unyoko." He slams the table and takes his stuff and leaves. (Your mother.)

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