Chapter 2

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I tried so badly to ignore Izuku, but I could not, even if I kneeled infront of a toilet getting paled from just him telling me hi, life was cruel, loving him was cruel. I, either confess and we get together but I will die because he is only doing this for my will to live or I, keep everything to myself and die in peace knowing I actually love him to death.

My parents and I visited so many doctors telling them the same thing and we all cried. The both of them wanted to tell tell Izuku I love him, but we all know that I will die if so. We began to share memories as the disease was getting worse and worse all because I can't look Izuku un the face and tell him his presence is killing me.

Izuku came in as usual, he came and sat infront me he wide grin. I held back my cough.

"I've got news Kacchan, Shoto and I are offically dating." He said as I smiled at him weakly, trying my best to not cough.

"But hey are you okay? You look pale." He said and I just nod

"Why aren't you answering my verbally? Did I do something wrong?" He asked as I just shook my head. You didn't do anything wrong I did for loving you.

He left and I felt like I could breathe again, but that tingling feeling as my throat still remains. I got out of my chair and went to the bathroom where I kneeled as a fully bloomed green garden rose fell from my mouth with thorns and blood, a good amount of blood.

My body was weak, if breeze touched me I would have fall right over. Everywhere was skinny and pale, I can see why Izuku loves Shoto, nobody wants a zombie looking person like me.

My face turned right back to the toilet as a gush of blood came out with petals. I managed to clean myself and catch the bus back home. When my parents saw my weak figure they immediately took me to the hospital, where I would stay from now on. I was hooked up to IV and a heart monitor machine, I rested my head onto the softness of the pillow. It reallt suck and I have to be here for the rest of my life. The doctors told my parents that the disease had spread through my entire body and if he was to come I would be over. I would be growing a bouquet for him .

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