Chapter 1

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All image and video are not mine

616 universe (in this fanfic the spider is only spiderwoman, spidergwen is 616 , silk and Julia and I am gonna make and yes she gonna be soon with peter)

We can see in city of new York the place of the heroes of AVENGER, FANTASTIC FOUR, DEFENDER, SHIELD, SECRET WARRIOR & XMEN also INHUMAN that stay to the protect the world ( Off yeah right)
Now is already night time where the street outside the city is very dangerous night where criminal do something bad and the police got a call by bystander call that there have been shoot out but become quiet and the sirene police come arrived in old building

Officer 1: (grab his shotgun) this is the place let's go.

Officer 2: yes sir (nervous and grab his shotgun)

As then the officer got inside the old building and to their shock they can see that 3 of thug got knockout , one of them in broken table, one of them been tied upside down and the last of them on the floor all three of them just kinda like been beat down by something hard and the officer can see that is bullet hole that been shot and the weapon been destroy

????: ARRG!!! LET ME GO !!! HELP!!!

two officer hear a sound and rush to sound but the one officer hear something in other side the door and open the door and then he shock

Officer 2: my god (flash his flashlight)

Officer 1: what? What happened (rush to officer 2 and see) oh my god

Two officer can see the cell and inside the cell is a lot of girls and woman with filthy cloth but one of the officer see the door is open and padlock is destroy officer 1 call for backup and officer 2 rush to open

Officer 2: hey (look at one of the girl ) don't worry we already call help I will get you out (trying open the bar door)

But to the surprise is one of the girl slap him to stop him open the door

Girl: 江安!!迪亞馬西赫迪西尼 (Jiāng ān!! Dí yà mǎ xī hè dí xī ní) Don't ! he's still here!

Officer 2: ( confused) what?

???: ARRG!!!

as then The officers hear a scream and the girls and woman scared heard the sound the officer 2 rush with officer 1 follow him

As the officer arrived the source of the sound he slowly open the the and inside the room is bathroom and to his surprised is to see one of the thug with bloody face and still almost unconscious

Officer 2 slowly approaching the thug but suddenly he feels something behind him and then he turn around fast and shoot his shoot gun frantically only to be shoot the wall

(Not mine)

The silhouette like bat dodge fast until he successful get out to window and officer 1 rush to officer 2 but the officer 2 accidentally shot his shotgun but not hit the officer 1.

Officer 1 : what the hell man you almost shot me

Officer 2: I am sorry I just saw something

Officer 1 shove officer 2 and see the thug and shock

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