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So, it has been a couple of days. Marianna hasn't been feeling well and Sarah, Jonh B and Ward have gone gold crazy. In between all of that, Mars has realized that she hasn't bled in two months. She has irregular periods and hopes that is what is going on.

"Fuck, fuck my life in the asshole."

"Did you know about that crackhead who was harassing Rafe, honey." Rose accused.

"Good morning to you to mother, and no I didn't. Why does it matter, not like you would help him. "

"Cut the shit, Marianna. I do care about what goes on to the people in this home."

"Good for you, when was the last time you talked to him or me. Ward talks to me more than I talk to you, my father calls me every day; what happened to us. If you walked over to my bed, you would realize that I wasn't feeling well.

"Maybe, it's the fact that you fuck my husband, you whore. What, didn't think I'd know; I can smell his cologne as we speak."

"What did you say." Mars questions in disbelief.

"I said get up and get ready for the day. We will talk about this later. " She murmured, leaving my room.

Mars got up and texted Rafe to see where he was. She knew if her mother knew then so did Ward. Which means they would probably kick him out for good.

She threw on some clothes and rushed downstairs and out back. She saw the idiot, snorting coke.

"Hey you fucking idiot, having fun. Let me try some."

"What, no-no Mars. This stuff is bad for you, it'll make you ugly."

"Oh really, tell that to Ward when he finds you like this; my mom found out about you and your drug dealer. If she knows so does Ward."

"Fuc-fuck, how did they find out. Fuck, I'm fucking screwed, wait, did you tell on me Mari." He says, grabbing her wrist hard.

"Rafe, stop. Why would I tell anyone what you do, I barely hang out with you anymore because of this, so how could I tell anyone."

"Wow, make me feel like shit."

"You do that just fine, got a fucking crackhead drug dealer showing up to the house. If I didn't step in, he would have done worst to you, Rafe." She muttered, yanking her arm from him.

"I never asked for your help, Mars. I would eventually figure my own shit out."

"Right. Well, for now on I will stay away from you and your business; see how far you get without my help."

"Whatever, what have you ever really done for me, Mars. I have done everything for myself alone, I thought you were someone I could trust, and this is how it is."

"Do you hear yourself when you talk, Rafe. You sound like a little bitch; I have been there for you since we met. It was you who went off to college and told yourself those things. I mean, take a fucking break from the coke, then maybe you'll realize that I was there for you. I was there, throughout all of your bullshit and it is finally nice to know how you feel." Mars yells. Not noticing the family coming outside.

"Well, are you done because once again the center of attention has to be in the center." Rafe screams into her face.

'Fuck you, cokehead."

"You already did, anything else you would like to say, Marianna."

"Yeah, don't come crying to me when daddy kicks you out again."

"Fuck you, I never needed you. I was just using you because I knew you would be there."

"Hey, you leave her alone, at least she was there for you." Rose spoke up for her daughter.

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