'Til Death Do Us Part.

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You were led out of your cell by two guards who walked you into the cafeteria, all the villains were eating the finest brown slop that was washed down with a carton of probably expired milk, the moment you walked in you heard The Riddler talking to Harley and Ivy, you decide to walk over to them.

"HE'S NOT COMING!!!." Everyone shouted at Harley who looked at everyone.

"Oh what the fuck do you all know, you're all fucking insane!." Harley shouted as you sat down next to Ivy.

"Hey Ivy, what's everyone screaming about?." You sit down next to Poison Ivy who rolls her eyes.

"Harley's still thinking that Joker is going to return for her-"

"Because he is, he's busy with something, I know he's coming for me!." Harley shouts at Ivy. "Y/n, you're smart, you know that he'll be back for me, right?." She looked at you, expecting you to say yes.

"Harley, how long have you been stuck here again?." You asked.

"It hasn't been that long-"

"Harley you've been here for nearly a year!." Ivy jammed her fork into the brown slop on her tray. "What more can I say to you that'll convince you he's not coming?."

"Nothing, nobody here can convince me of anything, he's coming for me, I know he is!." Harley slammed her hands down on the table, glaring at Ivy.

"Even Y/n knows he's not coming, and he's not the sharpest knife in the shed."

"This is true." You nod looking at Harley. "I may not be as smart or insane as either of you, but Joker ain't coming for you Harley-" You quickly duck the tray Harley threw at you.

"He's coming, I know it, all of you just shut the fuck up!." She stormed out of the cafeteria, beyond pissed.

"Harley!-" Ivy went after her, you grabbed her arm and sat her back down.

"No, Ivy, she's not going to believe us, we have to show her somehow."

"How are we going to show her that he's not coming?." She looked at you raising an eyebrow.

"I found a plant on the desk of Gordon's office, I can get it and bring it to you before light's out, but I'm going to need a favor from you." You smile at Ivy.

"I'm not having sex with you Y/n."

"What?. No, not that!. I need a place to stay after the police found my location and raided my apartment and since you've got your own apartment..."

"Absolutely not."

"Do you want to help Harley or not?." You asked Ivy who waited for five seconds before letting out a sigh.

"Fine...but if you touch even one of my plants, you're ass is out of there."

"Deal." You see her extend her hand but you hug her instead, making it awkward for her on purpose which made you smile.

When you let go of her she slapped you across the face, a blush was visible. "Never do that again!."

"Is that a blush I see-"

"SHUT UP." She shouted. "Just go get the damn plant."


Later, you were asleep in your cell when you heard the walls start crumbling, you shot up awake and saw Ivy standing on vines, tossing guards around like ragdolls.

"What kept you?." You asked

"Do you want to ask stupid questions or do you want to get out here."

Guns'n'roses | Harley Quinn X Poison Ivy X Male Reader (Harley Quinn show)Where stories live. Discover now