Camping With A Lava Golem

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>Be me, Virgil.
>Decide to go camping with lava golem wife.
>"Sam, can you help me carry some of this?" I shout to the cheery lava golem, who was about a dozen meters away from me, happily skipping toward an empty clearing. I could barely see her due to the sunhat partially blocking my vision, yet I was too busy carrying a bunch of heavy bags to move the thing away from my eyes.
>"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry." Samantha pivoted and walked over, grabbing five out of the six bags I was carrying.
>She also took the time to readjust the loose sunhat that had fallen over my eyes.
>Samantha insisted that I wear such a thing, claiming that she didn't want me to get sunburned.
>Personally, I think that it's stupid. I hope that I don't have to wear it for the whole trip.
>"Thanks." I smile as most of the weight I was carrying is lifted from my tired arms.
>We hadn't gone on vacation in a while, so camping is a nice change of pace.
>Well, there was that one time a month ago when I took her on a surprise trip to 'Captain Kraken's Waterpark & Resort' for the weekend, although she got pretty upset when she found out everything there was related to water in some way. Apparently, I should 'know that lava golems hate water' or something.
>It's okay, though. Samantha had found... other ways to keep us occupied from the comfort of our hotel room.
>I shuddered upon remembering the pain I felt in my pelvis after an entire weekend of hotel room sex. Samantha seemed to enjoy it, though. Hopefully, this camping trip is more than just a wild fuck session.

>I drop my bags at the edge of the clearing. It was our designated camping spot, as said by a park ranger who we met on our drive in.
>There was only a small firepit in the center, with a few small pieces of burnt wood and ash scattered inside of it.
>"Do you want to set up the tent first?" I asked Samantha.
>She looks over and nods her head, her fiery eyes seemingly brighter than usual.
>I reach into one of the tote bags and pull out a tent kit, which was neatly packed in a little cylindrical bag.
>Taking all of the pieces and the instruction manual out, I begin to give directions to Samantha on how to assemble the tent.

>It has been two hours.
>Two (2) hours.
>Of setting up a tent.
>We managed to do it, though. The medium-sized tent stands in front of us. It's a little slanted, but it seems to be holding up strong, so it doesn't matter.
>I stand up with a sigh. Me sitting around reading instructions didn't last long; it only took five minutes before I was with Samantha trying to find out how to assemble the damn thing too.
>I looked up at the sun beating down on me. We had arrived early at 9 A.M., to prepare before the sun fully comes out. So much for that.
>"Do you maybe wanna do something now? We can unpack everything else later." I suggest, looking up into Samantha's eyes.
>She was never the calmest or most patient person, and she looked like she was on the verge of blowing a fuse during the whole process of assembling the tent.
>"Sure." She grumbles, throwing the bag, instruction manual, and a few spare tent pegs inside the tote bag.
>"I mean, I heard there was a trail that leads to a pretty nice lake nearby. If you want, we could go there."
>Samantha nods, giving me a gentle smile. "That works."

>I stand on the edge of a sizeable lake, holding hands with Samantha.
>"This place is pretty." Samantha states, looking off into the water.
>"It would be even better during the sunset." I think aloud.
>"Do you want to come here again later tonight?" She nudges my shoulder.
>"Maybe tomorrow. I'd like to do a bunch of different activities today and do all the relaxing stuff later."
>Samantha grins. "Ohh, so you want to do all of the camping stuff now and leave the fucking for later? How nice, Virgil."
>"Oh, stop it. You know I don't want a repeat of Captain Kraken's." I frown, thinking back on how efficiently Samantha drained me during that lustful weekend.
>"Come on, you looked like you were enjoying your time in the hotel room with all of those cute moans and whimpers." Samantha reminisces, squeezing my hand with a bit more force.
>I look over to Samantha, who seems to be in her own little dream world. Her eyes stared into the distance, and a pleasant smile was on her face.
>I shake Samantha to bring her back from her daydreaming. "Try not to get too heated," I glance at her, "well, more heated than you actually are."
>"Oh, sorry." She says sarcastically. "Is it illegal to think about my husband so dearly?"
>"Shut up," I chuckle. So, uh, why do you hate water?"
>Sam rolls her eyes and looks down into the lake, her reflection staring back at her. "Shouldn't it be obvious? I'm a lava golem, genius."
>"No, but like, what's going to happen if you get in contact with water? Will you dissolve or something?"
>"No! I just... I don't know, it's embarrassing!" Samantha blushes.
>"What? Tell me." I pry, rubbing my thumb against her hand in an attempt to earn more points with her.
>"Nooo, you're gonna make fun of me for it." Samantha stubbornly pouts, keen on not letting me discover her secret.
>There's a brief silence between the two of us for a moment. I stare down into the lake, and with a swift movement, I bend down, scooping some water in both of my hands and tossing it at Samantha's face.
>She yelps and steps back, wiping the tepid lake water off of her face with molten hands.
>Samantha then leaps towards me. I close my eyes and tense up in preparation. I expect to be tackled and thrown onto the dirt for a thorough fucking as punishment for my actions, although that doesn't happen.
>Instead, a pair of smooth, warm hands wrap around my body, and the weight of a 7' 4" tall mamano is put on me.
>I have to use all of my force to lean back onto Samantha to avoid falling face-first into the water in front of me.
>"S-Sam?!" I call out in surprise.
>In response, Samantha affectionately nuzzles her face against my neck. "Mhm?"
>"Why are you getting so- Ah..." I moan as Samantha begins to kiss and suck my neck, a hand running under my shirt to rub my chest.
>She uses her other hand to stick two of her fingers down my mouth.
>After a bit, she pulls away from my neck. Her two hands are still at work molesting me.
>"It's something all lava golems do whenever they touch water. They get all soft and dopey and clingy."
>I use a free hand to pull Samantha's fingers out of my mouth, a line of saliva connecting my lips and her molten digits. "A-And you're embarrassed about this? It's cute."
>"Nooooo, I'm not meant to be cute." She whines, pushing more of her weight onto me.
>"Woah, Sam, I'm about to fall." I dig the heels of my shoes into the dirt to avoid falling over.
>Samantha (thankfully) puts less of her weight on me.
>"Thanks." I grunted, letting my body relax. "So, you aren't mad, right?"
>I suddenly feel the full weight of Samantha drop onto my body again. "Nope! I'm going to go extra hard on you in the tent later tonight!"
>I grimace as she begins to nuzzle her cheek against my neck again.

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