Personal Curiosity

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"He seemed like a lovely young fellow didn't he?" Aziraphale winced as Crowley swerved around another car at the last second.

"I didn't like him."

"No? Why not?"

"If you ask me, he was far more interested in getting in your pants than in anything you had to say."

"How dare you! We had a lovely conversation about the turn of literature these days."

"Right." Crowley looked over at him. "And did he ask for your number at the end?"

"In the middle actually."

Crowley rolled his eyes and jerked the steering wheel hard into the other lane so Aziraphale had to grab onto both the window and the center console.

"Tell me you didn't give it to him."

"Of course I did. I told him to contact me if he ever needs help with any--watch out for the old woman!"

Crowley screeched to a stop, nearly causing a pile up.

"Are you an idiot?" Crowley asked. "Did you ask me to come with you just to watch you get flirted with by some--some human?"

"Absolutely not!" Aziraphale looked as though Crowley had accused him of desecrating a library. "That was nothing of the sort. We had a lovely conversation about literature and that was it."

"Angel," Crowley said, hitting the gas again as the old woman cleared and going fifty-five in less than a second. Aziraphale whimpered. "Do you really think you would notice if someone was hitting on you?"

"Of course I would. I'm not completely blind."

"Name one time."


"Name one time," Crowley repeated, shifting the gear stick and cutting someone off to take a turn. "Someone has come on to you."

Aziraphale was silent. Crowley raised his eyebrows.

"If you must know," Aziraphale said after a moment, fingering the edges of his new book. "Someone asked me to marry them once."

The bentley screeched to a halt at a red light.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," said Aziraphale. He wasn't looking at Crowley. He looked at the book in his lap and out the window and at the ceiling.

"No, I really didn't," Crowley lied. "Come again?"

"Someone," Aziraphale said carefully, finally meeting Crowley's piercing stare. "Asked me to marry them."

Crowley stared at him in disbelief.

Aziraphale cleared his throat and pointed. "The, um, light is green."

Crowley started driving again. He didn't say anything for several moments and then he burst out laughing.

"What? What's so funny?"

"Well that just proves my point, doesn't it?" Crowley said. "Someone had to actually ask you to marry them before you realized they were interested."

"I had had some suspicion before they asked," Aziraphale said, face going red.

"Uh huh, I'm sure." Crowley grinned over at him. "So who was it?"

"I'm not telling you. You'd just laugh."

"I'm already laughing."

"You'll laugh more. And they were someone's sincere feelings and I won't have them being mocked."

Personal Curiosity - A Good Omens fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now