Chapter 1

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•at the dorm•

"It's so...Vivid," Gomez says looking around the room, a Blonde girl with blue and pink tips gets out of her Chair and runs up to the Ravenette "Howdie roomie!" She tries to hug him but he walks backward "Not a hugger, got it" She puts her arms down "Please excuse Wednesday, he's allergic to color," Morticia says Enid's face drops into a look of fear (?) "What happens to you?" Enid asks "I break out into hives and the flesh peels off my bones" Wednesday answers "Excuse me Ms. Weems" a Gentle voice comes from behind the group of 4 in the doorway, "Oh my! You scared me" Weems says with a smile on her face, the group of 4 turns around to be met with a Female that has her hair in a ponytail, she had Black hair that faded into a light pale blue color, Blue-green eyes, Pale skin, and an Aegean blue Uniform. She had a calm expression on her face along with a small gentle smile, Wednesday would be lying if he said she wasn't the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Weems moves out of the way and the girl walks inside the room "Y/n!!" Enid yells and runs to her trapping the girl in a tight hug, she hugs back softly "Hello Enid" She says softly, Enid pulls back and looks towards the spooky family motioning for the girl to do the same, she does just that and bows 'Hello it's nice to meet you all" She gets out of her bowing position and looks at the 4 "Wednesday, these are your roommates, the blonde one is Enid Sinclair, and the black haired Girl is Y/n Urokodaki" Weems introduces The two girls "Girls would you give Wednesday a tour of the school and get him his uniform" Weems says, Enid skips to the door and Y/n follows Her, while Wednesday walks after Y/n and Enid.

~to the scene where Ms.Thornhill comes in~

"Sorry about the mud," a redheaded woman says, "Is this a bad time?" The woman asks, Y/n shakes her head slightly "Oh good, I'm Miss Thornhill your dorm mother" She introduces herself and holds out the flower she got him "I try to match each one of my girls + You to a flower, and when I read your file I immediately thought of this one", "The black dahlia" Wednesday says (Blah blah blah, I don't know what to put, she walks out the room) Enid walks back into Her and Y/n's room part of the room "I'm sorry about the noise, I'll try to get her to a be a little quieter, They hear a Scream come from the girls' section of the dorm room "AHH!!!" Enid runs out of the room and clings onto Y/n's waist "what happened Enid?" Y/n asks calmly but still a hint of worry in her voice, A Crow Flys out of the room with a cat following after it "Stop clinging onto my beautiful Y/n!! You're going to ruin her clothes with your stupid tears!!" The crow yells at Enid, Wednesday looks surprised at the talking crow "Hello Kiko, and don't worry about Enid, But what brings you hear at this time of night?" Y/n asks sweetly and holds out her arm, which the crow lands on "I have letters from Urokodaki and the others" the crow says now calming down "Oh, thank you Kiko, hold on give me a second, you can go on some furniture for a second while I get something" Y/n says calming and walks into the girls' portion of the room, she walks back with seeds and feeds Kiko, she picks up her cat and hold it up to Wednesday and Enid "This is Milo, and the Crow is Kiko" She says and puts Milo back on the ground and grabs the letters Kiko and Milo brought, Y/n goes into the girls' section of the dorm room sitting at her desk and starts reading the letters

Dear Y/n

I hope Nevermore has been treating you nicely as well as that blonde wolf friend of yours.
-Response to your letter-
I have been doing well, I've just been helping Giyuu and Sabito with their breathing techniques and such, which you should be practicing as well, if you go into Milo's stash there are some snacks and gifts that each of Giyuu and Sabito's friend group made, as well as Tanjiro's group made some, and some others to. I hope you enjoy the snacks and gifts, I will see you soon, and I wish you a good week.

-Sincerely, Sakonji Urokodaki

~Next Letter~

'I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I'm surrounded by boys 24/7! I don't get to do your hair either, and you can't do mine, :( buts I'll see you soon so we can do each other's hair then. Anyway, I've been good just doing what I usually do, oh and get this, Urokodaki-san said when you come home once the semester is over you can teach me how to hold a Katana! I'm so excited, I don't wanna learn how to use a sword but the sword itself is so calming and beautiful, like you ♡. I personally think you'll like my gift and snack the most because I'm your favorite sibling. I love you ♡

-Love, Nezuko Kamado

~Next letter~

Dearest Y/n
It's been depressing since you left for the semester, everyone misses you, even Sanemi misses you, but anyway, I hope you're doing well and are having a good week, I miss the affection and love from you, but I'll see you in a few days so I hope I'll get at least a few hugs from you. Please be safe.

-Giyuu Tomioka

~Next letter~

Hello Y/n,
I got your letter and I can say I'm doing perfectly fine, but my arms are sore from doing work all day. Anyway, I WAS SO SAD THAT I WASN'T ABLE TO SAY GOODBYE TO YOU WHEN YOU LEFT FOR THE SEMESTER, I was sadly away delivering Stuff to other villages :( :( I hope your semester is going well and that your wolf friend is taking care of you. I'll see you soon.

-Your Otouto-san, Tanjiro Kamado

~last letter~

Hello, Y/n it's nice to write to you after a while, I hope you're doing well, I'm doing well, other than the fact that I miss you more than any living being on this earth. I hope you, Kiko, and Milo are safe, BTW if that wolf girl hurts you, I can't guarantee her safety, but other than that, Enjoy your space while it lasts, because I can tell you right now that when the others see you they'll be attached to you like glue and paper.

-good luck, Sabito

You smile softly at the letters and look at Milo "Unfortunately I can't unpack the stuff yet, so I guess you and Kiko can stay here with me until I can unpack your stash" You replied quietly

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