Chapter 14

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I think my mom is a vampire 🤔

Tengen pov: I closed the door behind me and flopped myself onto my bed. I was really disappointed that Kyojuro didn't feel the same way.

I felt...depressed? Thats one way to describe it I guess, Damn I wish I could go back in time and stop myself for catching feelings for him. Stop myself from having sex with him. And stop myself from confessing to him.

Our whole friendship is in ruins now. I wanna talk to him, but what would I say? He didn't even have anything to say to me after I confessed. Dose he Hate me? Is he mad? Maybe he thinks I'm weird..

I'm too embarrassed to talk to him Face to face, he probably thinks I'm a joke. I should call Mitsuri! She probably knows what to do! She knows all about love and stuff.

I grabbed my phone and went to messages:

😎:Hey Kanroji, I need to talk to you about something important.

💖:Sure! Whats up?

😎: Well..when we came back from the club last night me and Kyojuro kinda...made love together.

💖: 🤯

😎: So basically when we woke up I confessed to Kyojuro about how I truly felt and now he won't talk to me.

💖: Oh gosh, Well maybe he just isn't ready to accept it yet. Obanai took forever to confess to me after I allready knew he liked me! Maybe he just needs some time alone, after all you guys did the naughty..

😎: Yeah, I suppose your right Thanks Kanroji 👍

💖: No problem Tengen 😸

End of conversation

I decided to just relax for now and not think to much about it. Hopefully deep down Kyojuro really dose like me.

In the meantime I decided to put on some sweat pants and head back into the kitchen to get something to eat.

When I went back to the kitchen Kyojuro was still there sipping his tea. He looked like he was in deep thought.

I went to look through the Fridge and cabinets and I saw barley any food to eat. So I decided to order take-out.

I went back into my room to brab my phone. I called the number and it rung for a little, then a woman picked up the Phone.

Suma: "Hello! This is Dine & Wine, how may I help you?"

"Hi, uhm could I please get this weeks special?"

Suma: "Of course! Anything else?"

I thought for a moment. Then I walked back out of my room and into the kitchen.

"Hey..Kyojuro, I'm ordering some food do you want anything..?"

Kyojuro: "Uhm..I'm not to sure, you can just choose something for me."

"Oh, okay then."

Suma: "Hellooo! Sir are you still there?"

"Yeah, sorry for the hold up I'll have 1 chef's special."

Suma: " Okie Dokie! Will that be all?"


Suma: "Great, your total is 27.38"

Tengen: "alright, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

Suma: " Great! We'll see you then, also can I get a name for the order?"


Suma: "Thanks, byeeee!"

*hangs up*

"Hey...Kyojuro, I'm gonna run out real quick, I should be back soon."

Kyojuro: "okay, goodbye."

Damn, that hurt. He was so cold towards me.

Anyways I went into my room to change into some practical clothes.
I grabbed my keys and my phone and wallet and was out the door.

I was walking down the hall from my dorm and going down to the elevator, I walked to the maim buildings front office to sighn out.

Once I did I got a buss ride to the food place. I opened the door and a bell ontop made it ring.

Makio: "Hello! My name is Makio. How may I help you today?"

"Hello Makio, I actually ordered ahead."

Makio: Oh! Do you happened to be Tengen?


"Oh good, well have your order here all set hot and ready. Lemme go grab it from the back."

Makio, was a very pretty woman.
While I waited I saw another woman with black hair and a high ponytail going table to table serving other customers. She was quite beautiful.

Makio: "Here ya go! I put a little something extra in there, call me~"

I put my card into the card scanner thingy. And with that I left.

Back at the dorm

"Hey Kyojuro, I'm back."

Kyojuro: "oh, hello."

"...well, I brought the food."

Kyojuro: "Thanks."

I set the bag on the table and sat down, kyojuro came over and looked through the bag and pulled out the food. Then he pulled out a white paper slip. It wasn't the receipt.

Kyojuro: "whats this...?"

"Oh, some girl gave me her number..I think her name was Mario. She's pretty."

Kyojuro: "Ah, I see. Which one is mine?"

"The Chefs special, it should be written on top."

Kyojuro: "thanks."

We both sat on the couch together eating. Hopefully he thought a bit about my confession.

End of chapta. Sigh I'm working hard. Working hard to please you all. 😔✊

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