Episode Ten: The Diver Whose Breath Was Taken Away

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(Start on the Isle of Tims. BALAN is standing in front of door number 2 holding the letter written to HAOYU.)

Balan-How could I have let this happen? How could anyone have let this happen?

(EMMA and LEO approach him from behind.)

Emma-What's wrong, Balan?

Balan-How could I have let the situation get bad enough that tears started appearing in Wonderworld? Tears that the residents could communicate through?

Leo-So Wonderworld really is going to hell?

Balan-Leo, please stop.

(ATTILIO approaches the group.)

Attilio-Hey. Is this where all the cool kids are hanging out?

(BALAN sighs and holds the letter out to him.)

Balan-Read this, Attilio. It's part of a correspondence between two residents. We think there was a tear between their worlds.

(ATTILIO takes the letter. His eyes gradually widen.)

Attilio-Oh my goodness. This isn't just any ordinary letter.

Balan-What do you mean?

Attilio-It's a love letter!

Balan-You've got to be kidding me.

Attilio-Just look at this prose. It's just like the stuff I wrote about Cass in my diary. Back when I thought her name was Merry, that is.

Balan-You're telling me that the tear is big enough that they met? Met and then fell in love?

Attilio-No. Look at this last part. "I will return when the sea meets the sky." She's definitely expressing some sort of desire to meet him, and what's stopping them from meeting? The tear is only big enough to send letters through. It's just like Pyramus and Thisbe, two lovers forbidden from seeing each other but could still communicate through the wall separating their houses.

Leo-Pyramus and Thisbe?

Emma-From Greek mythology. It's like Romeo and Juliet but better.

(BALAN takes the letter back.)

Balan-I guess we'll just have to find Fiona and see what this letter is about.

Emma-And send her back to the real world, right?

Balan-Yes. That, too.

(Opening theme. Cut to a stone temple full of coral and water. LEO, EMMA, and BALAN are standing on a circle at the entrance.)

Leo-Balan, quick question.

Balan-What is it?

(EMMA summons the changing curtain. She changes into the Tornado Wolf costume.)

Leo-What's your obsession with the tears? I mean, the fabric of Wonderworld falling apart, I get, but I also feel like you don't want these people to meet each other.

(He changes into the Jumping Jack costume.)

Balan-It's quite simple, really.

(They start walking towards the temple.)

Balan-We here in Wonderworld believe each person's healing journey is their own. If the people started meeting each other, they'd start learning from other people's experiences. Then they'd start thinking, "Oh, I should stay as long as this person. I should do what this person is doing to feel better" when there aren't any "shoulds" to any of this. You just have to do what you feel is right.

Balan Wonderworld Goes to HellWhere stories live. Discover now