Y/N: "You both, alright?" (They both nod at Y/N before he turns to look at the teller.) "You okay back there?" 

Teller: "Yes! Thank you!"

Y/N: "All of you should hide, I'll let you know when it is safe to come out." 

The three of them quickly ran to the back of the store and hid in the office as Y/N exited the store through the door and looked over at the two robbers he had thrown outside, they were being helped back onto their feet by their accomplice who had been right outside. 

Y/N: "You realise there was a perfectly good door to use right?" 

Jack: "Fuck off, you little shit!" (Looks over at the one who was outside.) "Sora, kill him!"

Sora walked towards Y/N slowly, as he did, he began to grow. He grew taller, standing at around seven feet by the time he reached Y/N, his whole body also looked more muscular. Now in front of Y/N, Sora reeled his fist back and sent it towards Y/N who dodged just in time and looked to where Sora's fist landed. A hole could be seen now in the street, right where Y/N had been standing previously. Y/N didn't have time to stare though as Jack dove towards Y/N swinging wildly with his blade. Y/N dodged and weaved around him, avoiding the blade. 

Sora rushed over to Y/N, trying to capitalise on Y/N being distracted. The boy noticed the big man rushing over at him and dove towards him going through his legs leaving Jack on the other side of Sora. Sora turned to Y/N but found the H/C boy with his leg covered in lightning as he sent a kick right into Sora's knee causing a loud CRACK to be heard. Sora yelled out in pain as his leg was broken violently, Y/N jumped onto his feet, took hold of Sora's head and jumped over him. He kicked one leg out kicking Jack right in the head. This caused Y/N to land on his back but with Sora's head still in his hands, he positioned himself so that it would hit the ground first. 

Sora lay there unconscious now as Y/N slowly got to his feet, Jack lay on the floor too and looked towards the last robber. 

Jack: "Ren, run!"

Y/N stepped toward Jack, quickly crouched down next to him and punched him right in the nose, knocking Jack out clean. Y/N looked over to where Ren was and saw him trying to escape. 

Ren ran as fast as he could but soon felt something wrap around his ankles and make him fall to the ground. The criminal glanced down and found it to be a lightning whip, he reached down and started trying to pull it off, to no avail. Suddenly, Ren felt himself being pulled away. 

- - - - - -

Inside the office, the three of the people Y/N had saved sat around and waited for any sign that it was safe for them now. It wasn't long until they heard something.

Y/N: "Come on out!"

The three of them emerged from the back only to find no trace of Y/N but found some money on the counter saying. 

'Sorry about the window. I know this won't cover it but it was all I had.

- Just some Kid'

They all looked at the note in wonder and walked outside, they found all three robbers outside. Ren was hung upside down by his legs from a light pole, with Sora and Jack both wrapped up back-to-back all of them tied up by whips made of pure lightning which didn't seem to be hurting them. 

A couple of police cars soon arrived at the store as the three innocent people stood there staring at the three tied-up criminals. 

It wasn't long until the three robbers had been arrested and taken away. 

- - - - - -

Y/N walked his way into an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. He made his way over to a small mattress that lay in the corner.

Y/N: "No food... again." 

The boy let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. 

- - - - - - 

Y/N's eyes slowly opened, he felt sweaty and disorientated. The boy then noticed that he was now sitting in a chair with his arms tied behind his back and felt something around his neck. Y/N started to thrash around doing his best to break his way out of the binds he was in. 

As Y/N tried his hardest to free himself a door on the opposite side of the room opened and a man walked in. The man was tall and well-built, he had a shaved head and tattoos all over his body. He slowly walked towards Y/N and stood in front of him. He towered over the thirteen-year-old.

Man: "I'm sure you're very confused so allow me to enlighten you. You belong to me now. You are going to work for me, if you don't, well you don't wanna know what happens then. I--"

Y/N: "Fuck you! Let me go!"

The boy thrashed in the seat once again as he yelled at his captor. He stopped suddenly as he was punched in the face by the large man, this caused his chair to fall over onto its side. 

Man: "Speak to me like that again and I will cut out your tongue." 

Y/N looked up at the man with defiance in his eyes but said nothing.

Man: "Good. Now, where was I?" (Pauses) "Oh yes. You work for me. It's that simple. You do what I want you to and we will get along fine, understood?"

Y/N held his look over defiance until the man placed his boot on the side of the boy's head and began to apply pressure.

Man: "I asked you a question." 

Y/N: "Yes. I understand." 

Man: "Good."

The man crouched down next to the boy and tilted his head to look at him.

Man: "I bet you're thinking 'Oh why did you take me? I'm just a kid'. Well, the truth is I know you are much stronger than 'just a kid'. I know that because you TOOK OUT THREE OF MY MEN!" 

As the man shouted, he stood up and slammed his foot straight into Y/N's stomach. The young boy coughed violently as a result of the kick. 

Man: "You work for me now." 

The man walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him. 


(A/N: Just republished this because I noticed some mistakes and wanted to correct them.)

The Lightning Hero: RaijinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum