Chapter 14: The Italian Affair

Start from the beginning

Oliver cursed under his breath. It didn't help that a voice in the back of his head kept telling him that Lydia probably could have made that shot.


When he finally made it to the hospital, his sister had arrived and the doctors were already done examining his mother. They turned to look at him with differing expressions. His mother seemed relieved to see him, though her eyebrows still showed some worry. Thea in turn wore an expression of pure disappointment.

"Did you manage to reach Walter?" his mother asked.

Oliver shook his head. Whatever it was that had prompted Walter to take a sudden trip to Australia had apparently also made him very difficult to contact. Oliver was starting to think it was a miracle he had even managed to reach him for the fundraiser.

"As I was telling your mother and sister, the CAT-scan showed a grade two concussion." the doctor explained, showing them the scan in question.
"She can go home so long as someone stays with her to make sure there are no after effects."

Oliver felt like kicking himself. He should have checked her more thoroughly before running off. Of course a fall like that would have caused damage.

He managed to pull himself together enough to give the doctor a nod as he left the room before turning back to his mother.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you. I thought you were fine."

His mother shook her head slightly.

"What did you think you were doing anyway?" she asked.

"I wanted to get the license plate of the guy who took a shot at you."

That excuse sounded so hollow to Oliver's ears. But thankfully, it seemed his mother had believed him.

"Well, that was foolish."

"Yeah." Oliver agreed with a weak laugh.

"We're gonna let you rest for a bit, mom." Thea told her, before pulling Oliver outside with her.
"So, did you get the license plate?"

"No, he got away."

Thea shook her head and scoffed.

"Maybe you should spend a little less time trying to be a hero. You're obviously not very good at it."

"That's cute." Oliver replied.

"Wasn't trying to be." she fired back.
"You left her on the street, alone and hurt. In the street. To get a license plate?"

"You don't believe me?" he questioned.

Thea glared back, her gaze almost as cold as the waters around Lian Yu.

"How can you expect me to believe anything you say when you won't be honest with me? You tell us that we're important and that we helped you survive on that island, but then you won't spend a single second with us. You've already found a replacement for me, and now you left mom while she was injured to do god knows what. So how do you expect me to believe any excuse you give?"

Oliver was at a loss for words. What could he say? That he was trying to catch the shooter so he could tackle him off that bike? No, not only would that put the mission at risk, there was even a good chance Thea still wouldn't believe him. So he simply stood there in silence, watching her as she shook her head and went back into their mother's room. With a sigh, Oliver leaned against the wall of the, a hand coming up to rub his forehead.

"Rough morning?"

Oliver looked to the side to see Detectives Lance and Hilton walking up to him. Normally this would have been something Oliver wouldn't have been looking forward to. But ever since being acquitted and then the CNRI fundraiser a week later, Lance had become a bit less hostile towards him. Nothing too out of character, but it was enough for Oliver to appreciate and count his blessings. And Oliver was keenly aware of how good of a detective he was, so it was somewhat of a relief to see he had been assigned this case.

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