{7} Charity Gala (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

"I look forward to it." I lean over and plant a soft, chaste kiss on his mouth. Glancing around, I realize that our fellow guests at the table are astonished. Of course, they've never seen Bible with a date before.

He smiles broadly at me. And he looks...happy. Wow.

"Come on, Bui," Barcode nags. Taking his outstretched hand, I follow him onto the stage where ten more young people have assembled, and I note with vague unease that Brad is one of them.

"Gentlemen, the highlight of the evening!" The MC booms over the babble of voices. "The moment you've all been waiting for! These twelve lovely people have all agreed to auction their first dance to the highest bidder!"

Oh no. I blush from head to toe. I hadn't realized what this meant. How humiliating!

"It's for a good cause," Barcode hisses at me, sensing my discomfort. "Besides, Bible will win." He rolls his eyes. "I can't imagine him letting anyone outbid him. He hasn't taken his eyes off you all evening."

Yes, focus on the good cause, and Bible is bound to win. Let's face it; he's not short of a dime or two.

But it means spending more money on you! My subconscious snarls at me. But I don't want to dance with anyone else-I can't dance with anyone else-and it's not spending money on me, he's donating it to the charity. Like the twenty-four thousand dollars he's already spent? My subconscious narrows his eyes.

Shit. I seem to have gotten away with my impulsive bid. Why am I arguing with myself?

"Now, everyone, pray gathers round, and take a good look at what could be yours for the first dance. Twelve comely and compliant ladies and gentleman."

Jeez! I feel like I'm in a meat market. I watch, horrified, as at least twenty men and women make their way to the stage area, Bible included, moving with easy grace between the tables and pausing to say a few hellos on the way. Once the bidders are assembled, the MC begins.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in the tradition of the masquerade we shall maintain the mystery behind the masks and stick to first names only. First up we have the lovely Jada."

Jada is giggling like a schoolgirl, too. Maybe I won't be so out of place. She's dressed head to foot in navy taffeta with a matching mask. Two young men step forward expectantly. Lucky Jada.

"Jada speaks fluent Japanese, is a qualified fighter pilot, and an Olympic gymnast...hmm." The MC winks. "Gentleman, what am I bid?"

Jada gapes, astounded at the MC; obviously, he's talking complete garbage. She grins shyly back at the two contenders.

"A thousand bucks!" One calls.

Very quickly the bidding escalates to five thousand dollars.

"Going once...going twice...sold!" The MC declares loudly, "To the gentleman in the mask!" And of course all the men are wearing masks so there are hoots of laughter, applause, and cheering. Jada beams at her purchaser and quickly exits the stage.

"See? This is fun!" Whispers Barcode. "I hope Bible wins you, though...we don't want a brawl," He adds.

"Brawl?" I answer horrified.

"Oh yes. He was very hot-headed when he was younger." He shudders.

Bible brawling? Refined, sophisticated, likes-Tudor-choral-music Bible? I can't see it. The MC distracts me with his next introduction-a young woman in red, with long jet-black hair.

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