With that, she cries louder. Everything feels like a very, very bad dream. It's a living nightmare. She hates every second of it.

"Maybe you want to... take a walk?" The woman asks again.

Lisa then, turns her head briefly just enough to see her sitting next to her, a woman in a scarlet cardigan and a skirt with the same color as the cardigan. Her eyes, unlike Lisa's, are bright, they're shining, like the starts. She looks much different from what Lisa looks right now, like the heaven's gate got opened and an angel just fell out of it. Her brown locks look softer than Lisa has ever seen a human having them, even softer than babies.

For a moment, Lisa can't take her eyes off the latter's, they're so different from each other. Then she looks away, her eyes remind Lisa of cats... her cat. And she can't stop the new wave of tears. She doesn't want to stop.

"Come on! Let's take a walk." She says again.

Lisa doesn't know why she stands up and follows the woman. She doesn't know why the stranger seems so trustable to her. She doesn't even know why she doesn't bother text her brother/manager to inform him about it.

She just stands up and walks with the woman, and then she notices the dog leash in her hand and a brown fur ball hopping before them. The dog seems healthy, and happy.

Unlike her Leo.

Lisa has to look away. She feels bad, she feels jealous. Leo could've lived if it wasn't because of her...

"Your pet is sick?" The woman asks, carefully. But she can't be careful enough, Lisa's pet is not sick! He's dead. Lisa doesn't answer, she just stares at the way they are walking in, with trees and bushes. New tears are wetting her face, and she again doesn't even try to wipe them away.

They walk in silence, for minutes, Lisa doesn't look, but she can feel the woman's time to time glances on her. Yet, she doesn't answer to any of them. It passes like this for a while, she doesn't even feel the pain in her feet even with this much walking. But then she feels like talking.

Her voice hardly cooperates, but she doesn't budge the crack in it, who cares?

"It... it was my fault. I'm the reason my cat... died."

It doesn't take more than a second for the girl to hold Lisa in her arms so tight that Lisa can't feel anything any longer, and she lets her, she lets a stranger to keep her in arms, she doesn't know why, she doesn't need to give herself any reason on why. All Lisa is seeking for is comfort, and the girl seems to have it in her arms for any unknown reason. Maybe it's the soothing scent in her perfume, or the softness of her touch, or the calming words she's uttering with or without waiting for Lisa to say anything,

Or maybe it's the way she makes Lisa's heartbeat so out of rhythm that makes the young, tall girl wonder what is wrong with her.

Lisa doesn't know and honestly, she doesn't think she wants to know. She just wants to be in her arms and cry, cry until her head is light enough to forget. To forget that she has just lost her strongest string to sanity. Lisa isn't sure how she can live when her baby Leo isn't around anymore. She still has remaining of cat's fur on her clothes, long white and ash straight strands of cat hair itching her body under their weight.

"I k-killed him!"

She lets out another cry, another shiver into embrace of a stranger who strangely feels like home Lisa hasn't felt for ages. She hasn't felt it even when she was in her mother's arms. Somehow the feeling of her mother's embrace has been all a little heavy for her liking, a little expectedly, she had been feeling she has to always carry a title to make her family proud, but in this one, it was just calming. The woman wanted her to do nothing, all she is doing is to rub her back the way nobody has ever done before, she doesn't want her to be the Lalisa she is on stage, or the Pranpriya she has to be at home, she seems to only care for her wellbeing, to have her nerves in control.

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