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Hello everyone, Nevi is here again with a new story. First of all, thank you for following and supporting my stories, and about this one, you should have patience with it. 

You may not like many of characters, and if so, please don't hate them in real life. I only use the idols' names that I like, so if someone doesn't play a good character in here, please remember that all of it is fiction and it's not related to the idol themselves. 

This is a trigger warning so you can skip if you're not comfortable with not so good fictional characters. I hope you enjoy, and let's proceed to the first chapter.



Lisa stares at the little see-through glass of the OR in the veterinary hospital, she stares and doesn't believe what the doctor just told her. She doesn't even breathe for a long time, and just when her brother tries to reach for her, she walks away. Lisa purses her lips so tight on each other to prevent her tears, and she successfully manages to do it,... in front of her brother. Only with hand, Lisa orders him not to follow, and he obeys because her knows the only thing Lisa needs right now is space. Just when she gets out of the hospital building, just when the first wave of the cool air of early spring hits her, she breaks.

That's when her trembling chin loses the battle against a big teary sob, that's when Lisa falls down on the steps of the entrance and doesn't even care about the eyes of society. She breaks on her tears, buries her face in her arms and each passing second, Lisa cries harder than she did for a long time.

She remembers the harsh words, the ugly truth that is lying inside the vet. She remembers and finds it hard to believe.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Manoban. We did all we could. The injuries were deep, and with internal trauma... I'm sorry, your cat didn't make it."

She wishes she could unhear the words, she didn't want to know. It's not fair...

Lisa cries harder, she can feel her eyes are popping out, she feels the physical pain, her head, her eyes, her throat, but...

"Leo...!" no other words come out, only Leo and then tears again.

Lisa doesn't even try to wipe her tears anymore.

She doesn't care.

She had just lost her only pet, her baby. One of the main reasons she was still Lisa, still the happy bubbly Lisa.


Everything feels different now. She doesn't feel happy, she doesn't feel like Lisa.

"Your cat didn't make it."

Lisa is about to cry louder when someone puts a hand on her shoulder. She's too tired that she doesn't even jump in frighten. She just stares at her front, not minding the stream of tears running down her face.

"Hey... Are you okay, miss?"

The voice is unfamiliar to her ears, and she doesn't even look back to see the one who just called her. Why does it matter? It doesn't. Lisa doesn't care, she just wants to sit there and cry until she can't cry anymore. That's what she really wants to do. And definitely doesn't want to answer some stranger's stupid question when she clearly is not okay at all.

And then, something at her peripheral view moves, too obvious that she's sure that someone has just sat next to her, she feels the warmth near her, but again, doesn't even bother to look.

"Hey... take this." Lisa doesn't bother, she doesn't know why this voice doesn't leave her alone. She has just lost her four-year-old cat, he'll forever stay four now.

To Be Yours (JENLISA☑️)Where stories live. Discover now