Chapter 2: a New home & internet fame. Part 2.

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(Continued from part 1. This chapter will be centered around the "internet fame" part of the title.)

(1 hour later, Daniel pov)

Sleep. Amazing, blissfull sleep. I can already feel the exaustion fade away from my body as I dream of... fishing? Not the most ideal dream to have but hey, I'll take it. That is until I wake up to the most horrendous noise possible.

Daniel: Mitä vittua!? (What the Fuck!?)

I was so starteled by the alarm that I accidentally jumped out of the bed & switched to speaking finnish.

Virgil: Well good morning to you too. The time is now 18:09 Helsinki time.

Daniel: Yeah, thanks V.

Virgil: You are most welcome sir.

Now I'm awake & a bit irritated, but I did ask for this so I can only blame myself. With nothing else to do, I turn on the tv that's opposite of my bed & start flicking trough various channels. And even nearly 2 days later the media is still talking about the silver giant & the monster that appeared in Tokyo.

I can't seem to escape it either as I'm now going through channels from different countries. Japan, America, France, Britain, Poland, Finland, Sweden. Hell even Russia is talking about me & that giant lizard. They all had various different topics about what that whole situation was about. Some theorised that I'm some sort of secret governmen weapon, or a movie advertisement. Hell, someone from the midwestern U.S. called me an angel & that the whole battle was a sign that the day of judgement is nearing. Some of the more crack pot theories were surpisingly correct, mainly the one that said that i'm an alien from a different dimenson. The one thing that was consistent however is what the news are calling me: The silver giant.

Daniel: Crap.

Virgil: What is it sir?

Daniel: It looks like the news is about to cement ny name as the silver giant. This is going to be pretty embarassing if i don't stop it. How did the other Ultramen get their names public anyway?

Virgil: Well, most were members of the military or an attack/defence team.

Daniel: Yeah that's not happening.

Virgil: Geed used social media to tell his earth that he was a different entity from Belial & that he wished to protect the world instead of destroying it.

Social media. The awnser was so simple all along that I didnn't even think it even could be an option.

Daniel: Virgil you are a genious.

Virgil: What?

Daniel: I can just use social media sites like twitter or instagram or... I don't know facebook, to tell the world that I'm not a threat & to tell them that I am called Ultraman Dante instead of calling me the silver giant. But I'm probably going to need a new, secure account so people can't track down who I really am.

Virgil: One moment sir.

Daniel: Wait wha-

Virgil: Done.

Daniel: What did you just do?

Virgil: I made you secure accounts on the most used social media sites & I am also giving the passwords to only you.

Ultraman Dante (a Ultraman x Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss crossover story) CANCELEDWhere stories live. Discover now