#4 //Good for nothing kid

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((Sorry if this is a bit delayed, I've written it from the beginning and almost finished, SURROUND MY INTERNET IS LOSING AND EVERYTHING I WRITE ALSO DISAPPEARED!))

-Mention of death

(Okay, here we go then)

It was a warm, sunny morning yet there was no sign of sunlight in the house or room. The curtains were drawn and the only light that came in, was from the hallway. It illuminated one side of the room, where a young boy sat alone at a table. A tall figure approached him and stood behind him. Without warning, it grabbed the younger one's head and slammed it onto the table.

The young boy cried out with pain.

A harsh voice said in a low whisper, as the tall figure pushed down hard onto the younger one's head. He couldn't do anything but stay still and endure the pain. Tears stung his eyes

"You worthless pathetic kid.." The voice continued to hiss in its hushed tone. It raised his voice,causing the young boy to flinch(poor Douma😭)

"Stop crying now"

"You hear me kid?"
It was getting annoyed and agitated

"Y-yes.." the boy said,wipes his tears

"Well" He raised his hand to hit the young boy again and he was so scared that he couldn't stop trembling. Yet he did not utter another word again.

"Youre going to do anything your father tell you right?"

"Y-yes.." He mumbled through his tears. He knew that if he didn't listen to this tall figure, it would just hurt him again.

"I can't hear you properly. Did I not tell you to stop crying?!"

He slapped him hard across the face, causing the young boy's face to turn red. He only whimpered in response, his tears streaming faster. The tall figure grew even more frustrated at this.

"You're always going to be a worthless son. I wish you were never born at all and that you just went to hell immediately or didn't even exist."

The young boy's eyes widened in fear at these words. He never thought that he would hear such harsh words come out of the mouth of someone who was supposed to love him.

"I'm sick of you. I don't want to see your pathetic face anymore!You don't deserve to be my child!"

With each insult, the tall figure's rage became more explosive. The only thing the young boy could do was listen, while silently shaking in fear and crying.

"How dare you shed a single tear for yourself? You're not worth it."

"Why aren't you doing anything to help the family, eh? You're such a lazy good for nothing kid."

The harsh words kept on coming, as he hit and slapped the young boy continuously, with no remorse or guilt.

"I'd rather have a pet, than have you as a son."

"You're only a waste of space and food."

He said more things like that before kicking the young boy hard to the ground.

The young boy gritted his teeth in pain and sobbed quietly as he curled up into a ball, feeling scared and alone.

"Why are you being so useless? Why are you crying? Just die already, then I won't have to deal with you."

"I should have gotten rid of you a long time ago, but then again no one wants to adopt a child as pathetic like you."

"What a useless, stupid, and disgusting little monster you are."

He got up and walked out of the room. The young boy could not stop crying and his face was bruised and beaten,and the man just leave him..after his own 'father' leave him,he started to cry silently


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