Christmas with his little one

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It was early on Christmas morning, Wylan stirred from his dream world, feeling the excitement of Christmas in the air. He was deep in little space and Jesper was still fast asleep beside him. He felt a surge of happiness as he looked over at his lover. He loved this time with Jesper - it was the only time of year they had to themselves, away from their busy lives and the chaos of the world.

Wylan snuggled up closer to Jesper, feeling the warmth of his body. He loved the way Jesper smelled - like cinnamon and cloves. Wylan breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of his lover. He was so content lying there, feeling Jesper's breath on his neck.

Suddenly, Wylan remembered that it was Christmas day. He felt a burst of excitement as he remembered all the presents waiting for him under the tree. He couldn't wait to see what Jesper had gotten him this year, and he hoped he had gotten Jesper something good too.

Wylan wanted to start the morning off right, so he decided to wake Jesper up - in the most adorable way possible. He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed his beloved pacifier with a Christmas clip on it. It was his favourite one, and he only used it on special occasions.

He climbed on top of Jesper, his excited energy radiating off him. He put the pacifier in his mouth and smiled down at his partner. Jesper's eyes slowly opened, his voice full of sleep.

"Good morning, little one," Jesper muttered, still half asleep.

"Morning," Wylan said softly, around the pacifier. He rested both hands on Jesper's chest and continued to smile at him. He felt so happy and carefree in this moment.

Jesper yawned and stretched his arms out, pulling Wylan closer. Wylan snuggled up to Jesper, feeling his heartbeat match his own. It was the perfect Christmas morning - cosy and intimate.

As Wylan and Jesper walked hand in hand downstairs, they were met with the enchanting sight of the beautifully decorated living room. The flickering lights on the Christmas tree reflected in their eyes, bringing a warm glow to both of their faces. The anticipation filled the air as they made their way over to the cozy sofa, their laughter and whispers creating a joyful ambiance.

Jesper, with a mischievous grin, led Wylan to the sofa and carefully retrieved his partner's stocking from under the tree. Sitting down, he positioned himself on the sofa and pulled Wylan into his lap. Wylan giggled, feeling safe and secure in Jesper's embrace.

Just as Wylan was about to eagerly delve into the contents of his stocking, he looked up at Jesper and noticed something amiss. Jesper slowly pulled the pacifier out of Wylan's mouth, his fingers teasingly brushing against Wylan's lips. Wylan's eyes widened in a playful pout, realizing that Jesper had separated the pacifier from its precious Christmas clip.

Jesper held the clip tightly in his hand, his mischievous nature shining through. He playfully dangled it just out of Wylan's reach, teasing him with the prized possession. Wylan's eyes followed the clip's movement, his little space instincts kicking in as he leaned forward, trying to grab it.

Jesper chuckled, thoroughly enjoying the adorable sight of Wylan eagerly reaching for his pacifier. With a sly smile, he placed the clip on the table, just inches away from Wylan's grasp. Wylan pouted, his bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly.

"Ah-ah, little one," Jesper playfully taunted. "If you want your pacifier, you'll have to earn it."

Wylan's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and challenge. He loved these playful moments with Jesper, the teasing and tickling making his little heart race. Determined to claim his treasured possession, Wylan reached towards the table, only for Jesper to suddenly pounce on him.

With a burst of laughter, Jesper pushed Wylan back onto the sofa, trapping him on his back. His nimble fingers danced across Wylan's sides, finding every ticklish spot with precision. Wylan squirmed and laughed uncontrollably, his little space persona shining through as he begged for mercy between giggles.

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