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Haerin and Minji spent most of their day in their apartment dorm. They both hid in their rooms to try to avoid each other.

While Haerin was hiding because of her introverted personality, Minji was hiding because she didn't want Haerin to annoy her.

But soon enough, the girls started to get hungry.

- Minji POV -

I had started to get a little hungry. So, I got up, got ready, and left my room to go find something to eat.

I made sure to speed my way out of the dorm hall to try and avoid Haerin, but luck was not on my side.

Once I got out of the dorm hall, I noticed Haerin looking around the campus as if she was lost.

"Need any help?" I asked to be polite.

Haerin just looked down at her feet and seemed a little flustered.

I had never understood Haerin

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I had never understood Haerin.

She seems shy, but is really good on stage or when she's put in a spotlight. She also seems to have some odd social skills.... but I never paid no mind to them...

"Nevermind," I sighed to myself.

I was just trying to be nice.

"I'm hungry," Haerin whispered before I could walk away.

I stopped in my tracks and a took a bitter breath.

"Then go get food," I answered her.

"I- I don't know where," Haerin suddenly seemed really upset.

She looked she sad and frustrated.

"I don't know English very well and I- I- I don't know what I'm supposed to do when I'm hungry. It's not like there's a convenience stores here at every corner where I could just go and make noodles," Haerin started to sniffle.

I started to feel really bad.

I felt like I had holding grudge towards someone I don't even really know.

"Ugh, come with me!" I said in annoyance and grabbed Haerin's wrist to drag her with me.

"Where are we going?" Haerin wiped some of her tears away.

"To get food!" I rolled my eyes.

It felt like I was more annoyed with myself for knowing that I really had nothing to hold against the girl.

I dragged Haerin down about 3 blocks and into an alley way that seemed a little sketchy, but where we were going honestly had some amazing Korean street food dishes, so it made the dirty corners of New York didn't seem that bad.

Me and my siblings had explored all around New York and the areas near the school to find places for me to eat, study, do laundry, etc.

"What's this?" Haerin asked once we walked into a small 10 person capacity venue.

"Food, now sit!" I ordered while shaking my head.

I was starting to feel like this kid's older sister or her babysitter or something.

Haerin and I both sat down at an empty table and the waiter soon came to take our order.

"What would you like?" The waiter asked.

"This," I said while pointing at the dish I wanted.

"And you?" The waiter turned to look at Haerin.

Haerin just looked at the waiter a bit clueless and I tilted my head in confusion.

"What are you gonna get?" I asked.

Haerin just turned to look at me with puzzled wide eyes but didn't give me a response.

"Get whatever you want. It's on me!" I gave her a smile to reassure her that it was okay to order something.

I watched as Haerin just tilted her head and she said to me... "I don't speak English".

I looked at the waiter to see if he maybe understood what Haerin was saying but the guy seemed clueless

I giggled out of awkwardness and politely said, "I'm sorry. I think she'll need a little more time!"

"Okay, I will just get your drink and be right back!" The waiter said before retreating to get my drink.

I watched as Haerin curiously looked around the venue and snapped my fingers at her.

"Hello? What do you want to eat?" I asked.

Haerin still seems a bit distracted, so I snapped my fingers again.

"Hello?!" I started to get frustrated.

"Huh?" Haerin finally turned to look at me.

"This kid is weird," I thought to myself.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked yet again.

"Ummm, what do they have?" Haerin asked in turn.

"Well, this is the menu. You can choose whatever you want and tell the waiter for you... or... you can just point at what you want," I told Haerin as I pointed at the menu under the big plexiglass of the table

"Ummmm," was all Haerin hummed out in response.

- Haerin POV -

Minji sunbaenim had dragged me to some restaurant near the school and after a long debate of me refusing to order in English....

We finally got our food.

"Yaayyy!!" I cheered as I get ready to eat the army soup in front of me.

"Thank you, Sunbaenim!" I cheerfully thanked Sunbae.

"You can drop the honorifics. We're on the same level now," Minji sunbaenim coldly responded.

Sunbae didn't actually seemed very fond of me.

I mean at times I didn't like her either, but it was for competitive reasons.... not because I don't actually like her.

"You need to learn English and drop the honorifics. It's going to be hard to adjust at first. For the both of us.... but just....," Sunbae seemed to hesitated to say something.

"Just do your best. We both got into this school for a reason.... so let's not waste the opportunity....," Sunbaenim actually said something very comforting.

"Okay!!" My heart fluttered at her kind words.

"Now, eat well. We have our first day of classes tomorrow!" Sunbae turned cold again.

I just nodded in response and started to dig into my food.








Author's Note: First non Y/n story... I'm scared >.<

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