12. Animagus

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Regulus sat still unable to move! Why you may ask, well the 4th year Gryffindors and Slytherins were arguing about who kept him. Regulus was only ahead in potions by a month so this was stupid. Even worse, the full moon was tomorrow night, so Regulus could smell magic and he could feel emotions.

Regulus had managed to sit up barely, they had jinxed him so he couldn't run away. "Why are you doing this!?" Regulus wailed, from the ground. "Regulus just wait, we'll undo the jinx when we win." Austin said. "No I want free now." Regulus yelled angrily. "Give us Black now!" Barty Crouch Jr hissed. "We're better than you." Baratheon said. "In your dreams." Atlas said.

This whole thing was stupid, everyone was throwing hexes at each other, they were also quizzing each other. "Oi Robinson if your such a nerd, who wrote the Star Trek episode The Trouble with Tribbles?" Baratheon said. "David Gerrold." Micheal said confidently. "That's one point." Atlas said, Baratheon grunted angrily.

Regulus sat there aching in pain for 2 hours! Until Regulus couldn't take it anymore, he focused carefully and the jinx sucked out of him. He could stand up, everyone turned to look at him in surprise. "How did you undo the jinx?" Atlas said surprised. "I'll have to redo the spell." Austin said. "No!" Regulus hissed, at that moment Austin's wand flew out of his hand. Other people tried there wand but the same thing happened, they all flew out of there hands. Micheal was the only one who didn't try and jinx him.

Baratheon picked up his wand beyond pissed threw some curse, it was a bit of a blur, because Regulus only remembered waking up on the hard stone floor. He suffered a few scrapes, and a sore back. "Regulus are you ok?" Atlas said helping him up. "We sent Mike to get a teacher." Atlas said but Regulus cut him off. "Fuck all of you, I'm not a charity case you can throw around." Regulus said storming off to his dorm.

When Regulus got back, he felt like crying but he wasn't going to. He then saw Sirius's record player on his bedside table from the night before. Regulus wanted to block out his thoughts and emotions so, he blasted the song suffragette city by David Bowie on the highest volume.

Hey man, oh leave me alone you know
Hey man, oh Henry, get off the phone, I gotta
Hey man, I gotta straighten my face
This mellow thighed chick just put my spine out of place
Hey man, my schooldays insane
Hey man, my work's down the drain
Hey man, well she's a total blam-blam
She said she had to squeeze it but she then she
Oh don't lean on me man, 'cause you can't afford the ticket
I'm back on Suffragette City
Oh don't lean on me man
'Cause you ain't got time to check it
You know my Suffragette City
Is outta sight she's all right

David Bowie voice echoed though out the dorm, while Regulus just lay there feeling empty inside.

At that moment Regulus heard the slightest squeak, though the loud music. Oh the Marauders were probably back he thought.

"Reg?" Sirius said, Regulus turned down the record player. "What?" "I didn't know you were a Bowie fan!" Sirius said grinning. "Regulus is a Bowie fan!?" Remus said as he ran over with excitement in his eyes. "What's your favourite song?" Remus and Sirius said beaming. "Lady Stardust." Regulus said getting a flash back to first year. "That's cool, I like Starman, because it reminds me of Remus." Sirius said, while Remus looked away with his face bright red.

At that moment James came over. "Reggie!" James said with a smile. "Hi." Regulus said. "Me Sirius and Pete, have got a surprise for you and Remus later after dinner." James said.

Dinner in the Great Hall felt awkward for Regulus because, he'd sworn at his friend and some others. Well he had the right to be angry, because who jinxes there own friend!? Regulus thought angrily. And how did he do wand less magic!? That's something he would have to look into.

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