11. The Party

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Regulus had just managed to escape the Gryffindor common room. He just wanted a break, from everyone. Sometimes it was just to much, Sirius wanted Regulus to be just like him, and James wouldn't leave him alone. So when nobody was around he fled; James would always worry about Regulus because, Regulus would sometimes disappear. So James made it his life goal to protect Regulus, in order words James would tease Regulus as a joke.

Regulus ran into a person, he was actually happy to see, Micheal Robinson. "It's only you." Micheal sighed a big relief. "What are you doing?" Regulus questioned. "I'm going to read comic books and smoke cigarettes. You wanna come?" Micheal said to Regulus. "Sure." Regulus said with a smile. Both boys ended up in a secret room, that Micheal had found.

"Cigarette?" Micheal offered, Regulus nodded Micheal lit it for him with his fingers. Regulus started to cough bitterly. "Don't worry that's normal when you have your first cigarette." Micheal said, Regulus laughed when he was done coughing. "That was hilarious, can I have another one." Micheal smiled. "Sure. Oh yeah, so you how in 2nd year we wanted to travel the world." Micheal said, Regulus looked up. "Yeah?" "Well I'm going to this party later this week, because it's brand new, and I also want to piss of Atlas." Micheal said, a small smile grew on Regulus's. "I'll come." He said.

"Maybe I can cut, this horrendous hair." Regulus said. "Why?" "My brother thinks I look better with long hair. But I'm getting quite board, off it." "Why not cut your hair then?" Micheal questioned. "My brother would freak because, he hates it when he has to get his hair cut." Regulus said. "I'll cut your hair, because I'm done with being with being babied by Atlas." Micheal said. "Fine, just don't cut to much off."

In Micheal's dorm, Regulus sat on a chair in the bathroom while, Micheal carefully cut his hair. "And done! What do you think?" Micheal said, Regulus's eyes lit up. "It's amazing! This is way better. Thanks man." Regulus said with a grin, Micheal grinned back. "Anytime."

Regulus ended up having one last cigarette on his way back to his own room. He sort of regretted it when he, started coughing so he ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Regulus spat in the sink, before rinsing his mouth out with water to get rid of that horrible taste.

"Regulus?" James called, from outside. Regulus regained his senses, before opening the bathroom door. "Are you ok? I heard you coughing." James said, Regulus nodded. "What's wrong with you? It looks like you've been crying." Regulus said confused on James puffy eyes. "Lily rejected me, but in a meaner way. Maybe I should move on from her." James said, Regulus shrugged. "It's your life, do what ever you want." He said trying to reassure James in a way, but Regulus wasn't really good at it. "Thanks Reggie." James said, Regulus nodded before going to his own bed to read.

James came over a while later. "Reggie, I'm bored!" James said sitting on the edge of Regulus's bed. "Ok and?" Regulus said. "Will you do something with me." James said. "No I'm reading." Regulus said trying to concentrate on his book. "Well can we read together?" James said. "How is that going to work?" Regulus said. "I'll read it to you." James said. "Yeah, no." Regulus said. "Please Reggie." James begged. "Fine! Just stop calling me Reggie!" Regulus said, the was probably no point in arguing, because he might be able to rest his eyes later for dinner in the great hall. To be honest it was only them in the dorm room, it also seemed that James had cheered up when he saw Regulus.

"Did you cut your hair?" James said before he started reading. "Yeah, my friend Micheal did it for me." Regulus realising his words. "You came back here alone? What if something had happened to you." James said. "You worry to much." Regulus said. "Yeah only because I care about you." James said. James ended up reading to Regulus for a couple of hours.

"Reg?" James said, Regulus groaned. "What." "Do you want to go down to the Great Hall?" "Yeah." Regulus must've fallen asleep because he felt tired, from being woken up.

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