Suddenly, Toga and Kumako ran straight up to Luffy at full speed like they were told to. The people around Luffy were worried and scared, except for Law and Ace. But there was a strong pressure of something like a red room surrounding them. The two beasts slowed down their speed and suddenly they all collapsed. Luffy then smiled like nothing had happened.

"Don't worry, they are OK. I just put them in a coma, they will wake up soon."

They were all speechless, that was just too overpowering. How much power did this kid in front of them hold? He still didn't use his full strength, but now they were scared enough to shit themselves. Law then told them.

"It's almost lunch, you guys go hunting while Corazon and me go check on Toga and Kumako. This is also your training for physical strength."

They immediately went on hunting with each other. Even though they didn't do any good in Haki practice, Shachi and Penguin had the ability to adapt quickly to the new environment, while Bepo was fast and strong in material art. At first, they were all struggling because they had never lived in a forest before, except Bepo. He was just not used to a new place. But now, they were running in the forest like they knew every place, like the backs of their hands. Besides that, they also learnt about medicine from the law, and they were good at it. They now knew how to handle small wounds and basic surgery.

After they had finished eating, Luffy then saw Ace running out into the forest, so Luffy ran after him. It was like a usual routine, but somehow today Luffy felt a bit different. When Luffy followed Ace to the Grey Terminal, Ace suddenly disappeared. Luffy was just intending to go back, but he suddenly heard someone talking. Luffy decided to follow the sound, while thinking this was earlier than his past life. Luffy then stopped at a big tree, then he looked up to see his second brother, Sabo, was talking to Ace. It took Luffy 3 months of chasing around Ace and meeting Sabo last time, but now it only took nearly 1 month. What made it change? He tried to think, but then stopped when a little smoke escaped his head. Luffy didn't know anything about time travel, so there was nothing he could think of. He then spoke up from down the tree.

"Pirates? Do you want to be a Pirate too? Let's be pirates together"

The sound of the tree stopped for a while, then two figures jumped down from it and knocked Luffy out. After a few minutes, Luffy woke up with his body being tied to the tree to see a blond boy with a top hat talking to Ace.

"So, he was the Luffy guy you keep talking about? He doesn't seem strong like you told me to"

"Don't underestimate him", Ace warned Sabo.

"Right!........Should we kill him then?"

"Yeah! Let's do that"

"You do it."




The two boys kept bickering and didn't notice that Luffy had woken up. He was watching his soon-to-be brothers arguing with each other with sadness in his eyes. He missed those moments with his brothers dearly.

"Ne, are you Ace's friend?" Luffy decided to speak up, which caused them to be surprised.

"Y-yeah! What about it?" The blond kid answered.

"That is good to hear. I thought he was alone, so I tried to be friends with him. After all, it was hard for kids like us to have friends and a good childhood", Luffy said with a sad smile while looking at them.

Ace was confused by what the child had said. Why did he say it like they had the same issue? Luffy was surrounded by the people who loved him, he had friends. The kid was nothing like him. Ace was questioning himself. He always thought he didn't deserve to live because he was a son of a monster, a son of the Pirate King. That was what he had been told to. Everyone wanted him dead like his father. Ace tries to ask Luffy what he meant by saying that, but they suddenly hear a sound from far away. Ace looked at Sabo and both of them untied the kid.

"I hear some sound coming from this place."

"We need to take the money back quickly"

"Hurry! They are coming" said Ace.

"I'm trying" replied Sabo.

After a while, they had finished unting Luffy. Ace, Sabo and Luffy quickly went to hide in the bush. But one of their men caught the sight of Ace, so he was being captured by them.

"Release me. What are you going to do?"

"Did you really think I would let you go away after you stole our money like that, you damn brat?"

Then they walked away, Sabo and Luffy were shocked to hear Ace's scream while hiding in the bush. The two of them realized they had got Ace. Luffy had lost it at that moment. Sabo tried to stop him. He was worried about Luffy because they were way stronger than the kid and Luffy might get hurt. Sabo also didn't want to deal with an angry mountain king. But Luffy pushed Sabo away, and told him.

"You go to our place and inform my family, we need someone who could hold me down after this or else I'm going to destroy this island."

Sabo was scared by the kid's cold voice and his shadowy face. Luffy's eyes were full red, the red of blood. Luffy then ran toward Ace's place. Sabo didn't want to waste any more, so he also ran in the opposite direction, toward the bandit's house. When Sabo had gone there, he saw a tall blond man, who he assumed was the kid's guardian, brushing the bear's fur, so he quickly grasped him. Corazon was surprised to feel something was grapping his pants, so he looked down to see a blond kid who seemed to be very scared of something.

"Hey, kid! You need to calm down, breathe after me, OK? Inhale, then exhale, yes just like that..."

After a while, Sabo had calmed down, thanks to Corazon's instructions. Then Sabo remembered Ace and Luffy. He quickly told Corazon what had happened.

"Please, help! We need someone to hold Luffy down. Ace is being captured by the Porchemy's crew, he may be tortured there. Luffy is angry at the fact that Ace was captured by them, so he goes to their place. He told me to come here and find someone to hold him down."

Sabo said, while tears fell down his cheeks in fear. After hearing what the kid said, Corazon was furious. The two beasts were ready to kill anyone who touched their king. Luckily, Law just went out and heard everything Sabo had said. He was angry, but Law knew it was best to keep his head cold in every situation. He then spoke up.

"Toga, Kumako, protect them. Don't let them go there if it isn't necessary. I'll go calm him down."

"Law! Be careful!"

"I'm not sure if I could come back in one piece, so tell Shachi, Penguin and Bepo to prepare for the aid-kit."

Then Law ran off in the direction which Sabo had told him. Sabo watched Law go in worry. He was older than him, yes, but he was still a kid, so how could he help Luffy get out of there? Corazon saw a doubtful look on Sabo's face, so he said

"Don't worry about them. Luffy is the strongest among all of us, but Law is our second best. There won't be anything happen to them."

Sabo saw the hopeful look in Corazon's eyes. He also hoped for them to come back safely. Corazon then turned to their house and shouted.


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