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Your POV

The saleslady handed Ms. Myoui the tape measure, Ms. Myoui walked towards me and measure my shoulders.

"What a broad shoulders.." I hear her whispering while measuring my shoulders.

She finished measuring my cloth size as the saleslady listed it. Ms. Myoui went to the aisle of polo shirts and long sleeve polo.

"I'll get them all." She told the saleslady and Ms. Myoui bought all the slacks and neckties.

"Ms. Myoui, isn't this too much?" I scratched my nape.

"Stop calling me Ms. Myoui. From now on, call me love" she whispered.

"And..this is not too much for me to buy." She added and pulled me into the counter and gave the cashier her card.

I carried all the paper bags that she bought and went to her car.

"Let's have a dinner with my parents. You'll pretend that you are the employee who has the most shared stocks in my company. Understood?" She told me as she removed my company I.D.

"Mr. Lee, to the perfume shop."

"Do I smell bad?" I asked and she chuckled.

"No. Your smell doesn't match to a company employee. Your smell is too soft." She gave me a sweet smile.

We arrived at the perfume shop

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We arrived at the perfume shop. The prices are so expensive and Ms. Myoui purchased 10 perfumes that cost almost a hundred dollars per perfume?!

We left the shop and she handed me a suit.

"Wear this. Prepare for later."

"Where should I go change?"

"To my house."

We arrived at her house. It was so clean and luxurious.

"Go to the third room upstairs and change your clothes, spray some perfume that I bought."

I nodded and went upstairs. I wear my suit and sprayed some perfume, I also decided to fix my hair even though she didn't told me to. I also saw a glasses, it must be hers, I wear it and she told me that we're a couple, right? And couples do this too. I finished and went outside.

 I finished and went outside

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(A/N: Yoo. Just imagine this is what you look like. He's too handsome so I always use his pictures lol)

I saw Ms. Myoui staring at me. I snapped out a finger and smiled at her.

"Oh. Let's go." She cleared her throat and clung into my arms.

We arrived at her parent's home. I was so nervous..she knocked on the door and the bodyguard opened it and bowed to Ms. Myoui.

I saw her parents in the living room. Ms. Myoui smiled at them. Her mother hugged her as she did the same. Ms. Myoui looked at me.

"Mom, dad, this is Kang Y/N. My boyfriend.." she introduced as she hugged me.

"Oh. My daughter has a good taste." Her mother laughed and patted my shoulder.

"So what's your occupation?" Her father asked.

"Uhm..I'm an employee in Myoui Corp. that has the most shared stocks.." I smiled at them.

"Wow. Mina really did a great job with that." Her father laughed.

"Let's go and continue our conversation in the table." Her father pulled me to the dining table.

I saw Ms. Myoui smiling while looking at us.

"How many years you've been together? I never heard that my youngest is already taken." Her mother asked while slicing her steak.

"We've been together for 5 years, mom. I never told you about us because I was so busy with my works and busy with Y/N." She chuckled and took a sip of her wine.

"Oh..that was a long time. Do you ever plan about your marriage?" Her father asked and Ms. Myoui stepped on my shoe.

"We do. Usually. Sir, maybe I would like to ask for your permission first, of course, Mina is your child. So, as a sign of respect, I would like to ask you first.." I smiled at them.

"Mina deserves to be with you..from now on, call us mom and dad. Okay?" Her mother told me and I nodded, I looked at Ms. Myoui, blushing.

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