Ch. 1: Photo Shoot

Start from the beginning

I reach over, grabbing the receiver before dialing the one number I know by heart. It rings a couple times, making me sigh as I twirl the cord attached to the phone.


I sigh, smiling for the first time today as I hear my brother's voice. It's filled with drowsiness and sleep. I exhale, looking down at the shag carpet below.

"Did I wake you?"

"Stacy! No! Not at all..."

A yawn rips through him as I laugh, hiding it well as my smile stays intack.

"Hey Shawnie..."

"How's LA?"

"Oh...uhm...LA was good! I'm in...London? I think..."

"Wow! How is it?"

"I don't know...we just landed not that long ago..." I sigh, fiddling with the cord as my smile drops a little. "How's mom and dad?"

"Oh...uhm...they're good. Dad's working right now and mom's..."

"Being mom?"


I nod, clearing my throat as I force my smile back on to my face.

"What about you? How's school and everything?"

"'s alright. I'm about to go into seventh grade! Which means..."

"High school..."

"Yeah! I can't wait. I'm gonna have all the babes..."

I smile, hiding my hurt and pain as Shawn rambles on. A tear slips through as I listen to him talk about his best friend and what he plans on doing this summer.

It's like a slap to the face...

Knowing how much I missed...

"Hey! Foods here! Eat fast so we can get moving!"

I nod, wiping my eyes as I smile towards Vivian. Shawn has spent the entire time talking, but I'm completely okay with it. I clear my throat, cutting him as I exhale a sad breath.

"Hey...Shawn...I gotta go..."


"Yeah...I've got a photo Shoot in less than an hour...I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah..." he exhales, trying to hide his disappointment through the phone. "Talk to you then..."

" you!"

"Love you too..."

The phone clicks, silencing me as my tears come back. Vivian walks in, sighing as I wipe my tears. I try to block the sniffles as I stand. My eyes stay pointed towards the ground as I walk past her and towards the cart with plates and drinks laid out.


"What did you get?"

I cut her off, uncovering the food as I hear her following me with a sigh.


"One more! One more!"

I small, keeping my eyes open as the cameras flash around me. Vivian is across the room, talking on her phone once again. I try to stay focused as she paces back and forth, waving her hands about as her short hair follows.

"Right here, Stacy!"

I look back towards the camera, my smile coming back fully as the photographer snaps a few more.


"What was that about?"

I slip on my robe, moving towards my bag that holds my normal clothes. The photo shoot is done, the pictures already on their way to the big bosses who make the decisions. Vivian is sat on the chair across from the vanity, looking through a few snap shots from my last modeling job.

"What was what about?"

"The long phone call? In the middle of my shoot?" She looks up, meeting my eyes in the mirror as I sit down at the vanity. "You always pay attention when I'm modeling..."

"It...was a business phone call. I'll talk to you about it later, okay?"

I nod, looking down as I rub lotion onto my hands. I already removed the makeup and jewelry, my face clear of anything other than moisturizer and light mascara. I put my vanilla lotion back into my bag, reaching for my clothes as I clear my throat.

"So...where are we heading next?"

"Paris....but..that's not until five days from now."

She smiles at me as I turn around, shock on my face.

"Five days? But...we usually only stay for two..."

"I know. You have two more photos shoots, a modeling ad, and a commercial all in the next two days..."

"What about the other three?"

"I thought we'd go sightseeing...relax and unwind before does that sound?"

A smile breaks out on my face, a matching one making it's way onto my agent's. I nod, thinking of everything we could do in the days to come.




So I decided to use Stacy from when Shawn had a 'sister' in the first season.

I hope y'all enjoy!

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now