Fu and Naruto shared a moment of anticipation as the plane carried them closer to the Kanto region. Their gazes were fixed on the window, both eager to catch the first glimpse of their new adventure unfolding before them.

Fu: (whispering) It's almost time.

     The landscape outside the window transformed, revealing the sprawling Kanto region with its lush forests, bustling cities, and rolling hills. Fu's eyes widened with wonder as she took in the view, captivated by the diversity of the terrain.

Fu: (in awe) Cool.

     As they continued to watch, something caught Fu's attention in the sky. She squinted her eyes and soon spotted a graceful migration of Pidgeot and their smaller counterparts, Pidgey, flying together in harmony.

Fu: (giggling) Look at that! It's like they're on a journey of their own.

     Naruto joined her in observing the beautiful sight, a smile tugging at his lips.

Naruto: (grinning) Yeah, and they make it look so effortless.

      Their exchange was light and filled with excitement, a testament to the journey they were about to embark upon. Naruto's gaze shifted to Fu, a playful glint in his eyes.

Naruto: I'm surprised Tayuya didn't want to come with us. She seemed pretty interested in Pokémon.

     Fu's expression turned thoughtful as she considered Naruto's observation.

Fu: Well, maybe she'll change her mind in the future. For now, we need to focus on our own journey.

     Naruto nodded in agreement, his gaze returning to the window.

Naruto: Yeah, you're right. We've got our own path to follow.

     Their conversation turned to a lighthearted topic as they remembered Tayuya's recent experience. Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the memory.

Naruto: (laughing) And she got herself a shiny Pokémon as her first partner. She's lucky.

      Fu joined in the laughter, remembering Tayuya's surprised expression when the shiny Pokémon appeared before her.

Fu: (smirking) It's not every day you come across a shiny Pokémon. She's off to a unique start.


     In the Lab and Naruto and Fu were helping around, then suddenly the door burst open, startling them. Tayuya stumbled in, her breathing heavy, and the look on her face a mix of exhaustion and panic.

Juniper: (concerned) Tayuya, dear, what's wrong?

Tayuya pointed towards the door, clearly distressed.

Tayuya: (out of breath) It's been following me for almost an hour.

       Everyone's attention turned to the entrance, where a small Pokémon stood. It resembled a bipedal dragon, lacking a neck but sporting a large mouth filled with sharp teeth. Two horns adorned its head, with a striking blue stripe in the middle, and a sizable dorsal fin ran along its back. Its underbelly was a vibrant red, and a small tail sprouted from its rear.

Gible: Gible!

Tayuya: (angered) Get lost, damn it! Leave me alone!

      In the background, Naruto and Fu observed the scene with fascination, clearly intrigued by the new Pokémon they were encountering. Juniper, on the other hand, had an expression of astonishment as she recognized the unique quality of the Pokémon before them.

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