Idols in the hot springs

Start from the beginning

"Ai-chan, you looked so pitiful in that big yukata. Lemme fix it for you," Natsuki offered and received a thabks from Ai in the process.

As soon as the idols settle down on their seats, they began their feast with a 'itadakimasu'. The menu for today's main dish was Shiitake ginger fried rice and steamed lobster. As for the side dishes, they have sashimi, deep fried tempura, sushi, traditionally steamed fish and etc. For the dessert, they will be having a cheese apple(idk the name of the snack) and a mango pudding.

"The gohan is so yummy!!! I could taste the mushroom in my mouth!" Ittoki commented as soon as he swallowed the food.

As for Masato, he took a small bite of his food and savour it until Ren interrupt him by gently move Masato's chin(idk how to describe) with his fingers.

"Masa~ say ahh~" Ren asked as he was holding a chopstick with a piece of sushi on it. Masato was glaring at Ren because of his attitude towards him since the time in the hot springs.

"What is wrong with you, Jinguji Ren...?" Masato said right after he swallowed and took the bite off the chopsticks.

"Don't worry, I don't have any interest in guys or you. I'm just having fun messing you up," Ren explained with his closed eye smile. Masato just ignored him and continued savouring the bites of food.

"This sashimi was actually a raw fish that was caught today. The taste was bland but the chewiness is perfect..." Ai remarked as he was chewing a small piece of sashimi. Reiji, who was sitting beside him just laughed weakly.

"At least this place has meat...if not, I would have gone to some other spots to eat," Ranmaru commented as he picked his bowl of rice and ate it with the chopsticks. "Oh, did any of you fed that cat?" Tokiya nodded.

"Anyone wants sake?" Hyuuga asked as he took the sake bottle from the table.

And after a few minutes of eating, the idols decided to have a truth or dare game. It was Reiji's idea as he wanted to at least know more about the secrets that his band members, his juniors and even the teachers were keeping it hidden so well.

"So, minna, I'll spin the bottle first and if the bottle points to any of us, will have to do a truth or dare!" Reiji instructed as he put an empty plastic bottle on the floor. The idols were siitting in a circle, on the tatami floor. For ypur information, thw three Quartet Night members didn't want to join the game but got dragged into it.

Reiji then spins the bottle and it pointed to Ringo!

"Ne~ Rin-chan~ truth or dare?" Reiji began with his goofy smile.

"Eetttoo...I'll go with truth!" Ringo beamed excitedly as he took a sip of the sake from the bottle, which Hyuga was drinking from.

"Do you have anything that scares you the most?" Reiji questioned which made the Starish boys stared at Ringo, full of interest.

"Hmmm...I do have one and it freaked me the whole day until I couldn't sleep a wink! It was really scary!! Just by thinking about it makes me jittery!" Ringo explained in horror, which made everyone in the room became more curious of what he was scared of.

"What made you this scared, Rin-chan?" Reiji asked curiously, which somehow put Ringo in a real pressure.

"It was all because of that day when my deadline for the magazine photoshoot an-" Ringo explained as horror crept onto his face.

"And you got scolded by your fierce superviser?" Ittoki interrupted all of a sudden which made Ringo flinched and yelled.

"AND I HAD TO PULL UP AN ALLNIGHTER TO FINISH IT UNTIL THE NEXT DAY...WHEN I WOKE UP, I SAW A..." Ringo continued yelling like a madman but stoop low when he mumbled, "a pimple that popped onto my kawaii face!"

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