By the time I finish admiring the field and turned towards Jerk, he was already glaring at me with a protruded mouth and chin.

"Only I know about the helicopter thing for today, how do you know?"

"Well, one, proposals in air has been in trend now and two, I only guessed and wanted to tell you beforehand that I'm uncomfortable with flying." I shrugged with a grin. "Alright, where is my surprise proposal? Ah, I'm so waiting for it."

Heck, even I cannot find excitement in my words.

He mumbled something under his breath and finally, with a huge exhale, he pulled out a small jewelry box from his pant pocket, got on his knee and put on a fake smile.

It was so funny to look at him trying to make his smile as genuine as possible.

"Acacia Dawn Winters, Eblilis, it's insensitive of me to not give you a proper proposal with a romantic event before our wedding. To make up for that, I want to sincerely, genuinely, with my whole heart, tell you that I really love you. You are that one person who was made for me exclusively and you will always be that for me forever for eternity." I looked on, as his smile is becoming more genuine as he spoke.

He opened the lid of the box, in which, a beautiful necklace was sitting obediently. The locket of the necklace has a huge drop of diamonds with a small exotic symbol in the middle.

"Eblilis, Do you want to be the mother of my –"

"I'm pregnant." I cut him off and revealed when I guessed what he was trying to say.

It can't be so easy right?

"- property. Will you be the co-ruler of my kingdom and property?" He smoothly changed his words and started to laugh like a mad man.

"You are pregnant? With our second baby? Oh my, it's a wonderful news! When did you know? Did you go to the doctor?" He closed the lid of jewelry box, pushed into his pocket and jumped to hug me tightly.

"You must be month pregnant now. Given the speed and accuracy of my prowess, I'm sure I hit it on our first try." He continued as he cupped my face.

I was about to retort him back when he roared in laughter and continued to talk about how happy he is to be a father again, how great he feels to keep his promise to Igses, how he will take absolute care of me, so on and so forth.

I calmly listened to all his feelings and promises with a smile.

After hollering in a very festive manner for a while, he suddenly got serious again, got on his knee again, pulled out the jewelry box again, opened the lid again, pushed it to the front again and finally repeated the main matter of his proposal again.

This time, he is actually glowing despite his serious expression.

"I got this flower field for you. This whole place now belongs to you as a part of my post wedding proposal betrothal gift." Seeing that I did not speak anything, he continued to – bribe me.

"Just say yes already." With a little bit of impatience, he pulled my hand and shook it like a child asking for a candy.

"Do you want to take me to your kingdom?" Concealing the warm smile that is threatening to break out, I asked in low voice.

"I will bring the kingdom to you."

"That world belongs to you and your race. Can you and your people leave it forever?"

"They will go back and forth as they wish. As for us, we can always take a trip back if you wish." Hmm, a satisfying answer.

"I don't want your property because I can earn it myself. However, I do love this field you gifted me. I wouldn't refuse some good gifts though." I received a full blown smile from him before it retreated back with my next words. "However, that cannot bribe me, right?"

It's always so great to tease him. I didn't want to make it difficult for him but this is not making it very difficult, right?

I'm only... playing cat and mouse with him.

"How about I give you more and more children? You love kids, yes?" With a lopsided Romeo like grin, he asked expectantly.

"You are only responsible for making love; I will be the one to go through hell and back to deliver them." Those who can never experience that will never know how painful childbirth is.

Is he trying to scare me away?

He muttered under his breath again, which I couldn't hear, and fell into deep thoughts.

"This symbol here is a sign of prosperity. I will give centuries of prosperity ahead to you. Let's have a happy life for thousands of years together." After thinking for a while, he pointed towards the small sign on the locket and spoke.

I was about to put him out of misery and say yes finally when he suddenly scrambled closer to me and said in a hurry. "I have the power to turn a mortal into immortal. I will ensure you that your family and friends will live as long as we do if any accidents did not occur."

And the deciding factor is finally here.

"Really? You can do that?"

"Just a flick of fingers. Not a big deal."

Without waiting for him, I pulled the necklace from the box and put it around my neck as I jumped shouting my agreement.

Now, this is what I wanted!

I didn't know he has that power?


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

What do you think about the chapter? Good?

Acacia is too much for teasing him like that. You agree?

But Tzalmon deserves it. Agree?

What do you think about the proposal? Is it interesting?

The final nailing factor is what caused the proposal to be successful. Right?

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Lots of Love

Lady Prim

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