Chapter 19- His T-Shirt

Start from the beginning

"Shit honey, we know all about letting go control of the narrative. You know the business we're in, so we totally get it. Like Hunt said, if anybody have you shit or anything, we'd back you up," Shawn said sitting on the other side of me and Hunt now.

I turned to look at Hunter and said a small thanks. Hunter let me out of the safe and gentle cradle he had me in and I hugged him tight. It caught him unexpectedly until he put his arms around me and squeezed back. Hunter was such a big sweetheart and totally not a snob like he portrayed himself.

They were right about knowing what I was feeling. Hunter is supposed to be a snob which is very convincing on screen and Shawn is a heartbreaker which remains to be seen.

"Okay Hunt, it's my turn now," Shawn said as he grabbed me around the waist to sit on his lap. He hugged me and planted kisses all over my face, making me giggle.

"Okay I'm going to throw up now," Hunt joked.

Shawn and I both playfully slapped his arm and he winced.

"I honestly can't imagine how I look right now. Probably like death," I managed and feeling self conscious.

"I think you look beautiful, even if your makeup is smudged under your eyes," Shawn joked and I slapped him.

"Oh fuck, I need a mirror," I said running to the bathroom.

The guys both laughed and started talking about breakfast.

I was really scared to look in the mirror and see the state I was in. Shawn wasn't lying about the makeup being smudged, but he over exaggerated. My hair wasn't too bad since it was pin straight and easy to manage. A brush was all I needed to comb it out.

Luckily both these guys had long hair so of course they had a comb. I just grabbed the one on the sink. Not sure who's it was, but I took it and brushed my hair to look presentable.

A tube of toothpaste sat on the sink and I used it to brush my teeth with my finger.

I put some water on my fingers to wipe away the black mascara under my eyes. Soon it was gone and I assessed my outfit. Looked like I slept in it, but I tried smoothing out the wrinkles. I did what I could, but this was as good as it's gonna get.

Walking out of the bathroom, the guys looked over. Shawn said, "Females will never cease to amaze me with how resourceful they are."

I laughed and said, "This is as good as it's gonna get."

"Gules, we're in need of coffee and food. You in?" Hunter asked.

"I really wish I could change and shower," I hoped.

"We had a feeling that you'd say that and we have an idea. Don't worry, you look wonderful right now and Shawn has an extra shirt that you can wear. Also, it doesn't have his face on it," Hunter explained and motioned for Shawn to give me the shirt they dug out of his bag.

"Okay so here is just a regular old WWF t-shirt. You could say that you got it last night at the show. No one would be the wiser," Shawn suggested and threw the shirt to me.

I caught it and thought, I'm definitely not giving this back to him. Why are men's clothes just so much more comfortable?

"Don't worry, it doesn't stink. I only wore it one time," Shawn reassured me.

I sniffed it for myself and it smelled like him. I couldn't quite pinpoint the scent, but it just smelled amazing and I smiled.

"Okay great, so put that on and we'll go eat. Please I'm starving," Hunt hurriedly begged.

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