"Good thing the professor didn't scold you. Unlike me or the other. We almost got choked because of ten minuts late." He said.

"Nah. Maybe his nice to me that's all." She couldn't say that she's on a mission, and this is for an acted only.

Of course the professor knows. But not in away you think.

"I'll go a head now Ran. Before my captain choke me to death." Akaya grimaced a the thought.

"Okay see you." Ran also headed to her next class. Akaya have two our of vacancy due to their practice. In short. They all excused since two weeks from now is the National Tournament.


After a long rally of ball in each court. Finally. Yukimura called a ten minutes break.

And Akaya took out his phone to see if someone texted him. And yes. Ran texed him to meet up at cafeteria on lunch time. He reply her text and said okay. Unknowingly, all the regulars looking at him. Their faces constructed with question and eagerness.

"Who texted you Akaya?" Marui pry.

"Ah. It's Ran." All the regulars including Sanada,Yanagi and Yukimura turn to him with interest of what his going to say next. Akaya grimaced. He's seniors was really acting weird since yesterday.

"And what did she say?" Niou asked. "Did she asked how's the handsome Niou?"

"Shame on you Niou!" Yagyu hissed and looked Niou flatly. This stupid teammate of his was a pain in the ass.

"Nothing really important. She just said that will meet up at cafeteria." Akaya said. "Maybe eating lunch together again since she really don't have any close friends aside  me."

"Aw... my poor Ran. Maybe she's lonely and she wants my company." Everyone glared at Niou. Except Akaya.

"She just doesn't like someone just like you Niou-Senpai." Akaya interjected. And everyone was laughing at him.

"You're so cruel Akaya!"


Lunch time.

Everyone in the cafeteria was stunned and froze to see the tennis club regulars are taking a tables and chairs. They took three tables and ten chairs so they can all set down together.

The girls on the other hands was scream inside of their heads because, for the first time. The tennis club regulars were inside the cafeteria and will eating lunch together with them.

They still wearing their yellow and black stripe jersey so they all looked intimidating.

"I can't believe Marui Senpai was here!"

"Me too kyaaahh."

"Yagyu Senpai and Niou Senpai is so cool!"

"Even Yanagi Senpai was here too!"

"God can take me now. I'm so happy!"

"Go evaporate already!"


"Even vice Captain Sanada and Captain Yukimura are here! Were soo lucky!"

All the regulars including Sanada and Yukimura turn red of embarrassment. Each of them asked them selves of 'why the heck I am here again?' But when they remembered what they are doing at the cafeteria. They ignore the embarrassing attention.

"Yukimura Bochou, Sanada Fuko-Bochou! What are you doing here. All of you actually." Kirihara asked confused of what's happening when he reached their table. No wonder why cafeteria was so loud because of them. But really? This is his first time seeing them here together. As much as he remembered. They avoid too much attention. Like now. They've been avoiding their fans club.

"I forgot my lunch bag at home so I'm going to eat here." Marui said. Hoping that they bait his alibi.

"I want to try their food here. And I love attention!" Niou. The rest was looking at him flatly and eventually ignore him.

"Same goes. I want to try their food." Yagyu.

"I was dragged here by Marui though." Jakal on the other hand has the most valid reason.

"I'm here for my data analyst." Yanagi.

"You are not going to eat?"

"Of course I will you idiot!" Yanagi exclaimed.

"Yukimura dragged me to—-"Sanada

"I'm not. It's you own free will." Yukimura said and smirked at Sanada. Sanada just growled.

"Yukimura buchou? What are you doing here?" Akaya asked

"Trying to unmasked someone." He said in a meaningful statement.
He smiled but everyone know it's a wicked one. Except for Yanagi and Sanada. The rest are clueless.

"Akaya." Ran called him.

The cafeteria that while ago was just like a market—now it was a ghost town. Everyone froze even the girls that were shouting while ago.

All of them focused their eyes on the new comer. Admiration and amazement on their eyes. Everyday. The cafeteria always like this when Ran came since then.

She'd been aware of her surrounding of how they looked at her weirdly. Or they just rooted there like some dark spirit blowed some black magic on them.

Well, this is no  big deal for her anymore. She already used to this back in tokyo.

She reached to Akaya but to her surprise. All the tennis club member are present.

Mean whlie. The regulars still awe of her beauty. It's like a goddess walked on their way.

"Ran. Were not going to eat alone today." Akaya said and glance at his teammates. "My teammates wanted to eat with us." Akaya explain. And to he's surprised. Ran smiled.

"Oh, I'm glad that they were here. I was really worried the thought of you eating alone here." Ran give a relief sigh. Everyone was listening and already have an idea that.....

"What you mean?" Akaya asked

"Sorry, I can't join you today. I have a practice. I will eat my lunch on studio. We have a gig this coming Saturday and I have solo performance so I need to practice hard to perfect my part." Ran explain. All her attention was on Akaya only. The regular was so jealous even Yukimura. He didn't like the feeling of being ignored by her.

The dark aura starting to build up around him.

"So what are you doing here? You could just texted me instead." Akaya said. Not minding the imitate aura around their group.

"Because of this!" Ran smile at him and show a lunch bag. "I made a bento. And this is for you." She handed Akaya the bag. "I made  lunch for the both of us for a change." She said while smiling. The the killing aura growth, not just from Yukimura. But to all regulars who's watching them.

"Thank you!" Then Akaya hug her. She was about to hug him back when all of them growled. Ran just shrug. But Akaya was sweating cold when he saw his teammates glaring at him. Especialy the big three.

What did I do?

He mentally asked him self nervously.

"Bye Akaya. See you later." She said and turn to everyone and node and headed off.


Instantly. Kirihara felt that his life span was decreased by just looking at His captain. "Let's go to the rooftop. I forgot to water my plant." He said smiling. Giving more chilling to Akaya.

"A me too." Marui exclaim as he get near to Akaya( well, to Akaya's bento bag). "You can share you're bento with me since I dom't have a lunch."

"I will be going too. After all. It's really awkward to eat around here." Sanada said and stand up.

"How about we share each other's bento. Nice Idea right?" Niou said while looking at the bento bag.

"I agree." Yagyu.

"I hope this lunch timd will end. I'm tired of being drag." Jakal

"Let's go!"

Seiichi! Gwapo mo talaga!


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