Journal Entry #1 - [A Fateful Meeting]

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At the very end of the East Blue sea, unknown to many, was a small island. But don't underestimate its size and reputation because it definitely housed its own citizens. In the middle of this island was a modest town in which there lived the humble community of the island called Aranios. Up until that day...

But that is a story for another time. For now, it is enough to know that the town citizens agreed to change its name to Detraham after a certain sudden attack.

In this minute society, there was rarely ever any fuss. Everyone got along well with each other, and if ever there were newcomers -- which was a rare occurrence -- they received them with open arms. These people loathed conflicts, what more wars.

But sometimes, unwanted visitors came for what these same visitors called 'pillaging'. All of those who aspire to become pirates usually come by with the mistake of assuming that these citizens wouldn't have the desire to fight back. They were right on that. Yet that didn't mean nobody would stop them.

Well, one day, there so happened to be a young man with hair as black as a raven's feathers, eyes as bright as the stars, and a smile that can light up anybody's darkness, who came across this quaint island as he sailed alone on his boat. Really, how he reached this place was a mystery for he is, to put it bluntly, hopeless without the presence of a navigator. But this young man wanted nothing more than food to quell his hunger.

So, that peaceful afternoon was disturbed by the shout of, "MEAT!!!"

Everyone was surprised, undoubtedly, but none harbored ill feelings towards this boy. Perhaps there was something wrong with these people, but they were so good-natured that anybody with any bit of empathy will feel sorry to even try to do anything bad to them.

They were also very generous, for their source of food were generated from their own hard work. They planted their own fruits and vegetables, bred their own meat, and built their own residence. And these sources came in with an abundant amount so they had no trouble at all with sharing.

Thus, the young man wearing a straw hat found himself receiving lots of food from these people. He made to return to his boat afterwards, only to find that he was lost within the woods between the town and the sea. No matter where he turned, he found no clearing.

"Hmm...I'm pretty sure I've seen this tree earlier... Or is it a different one?"

He heard a sudden rustling noise coming from the tree above him. The moment he looked up, though, was the moment he found someone waiting for him with ropes in their hands. It was too late for him to attack, and soon enough, he found himself being tied up with his hands behind his back.

"Huh? What?"


Deep within the woods, if one would dare to venture far, they would find a clearing that opens up to the breathtaking sight of the bluest waterfall one would ever see. The waterfall splashed into a crystal-clear lake below, and built beside this lake was a modest Japanese styled house. It looked cosy, airy and homey even.

Within a room where one could only assume was the living room, there sat the only two people that owned the house. With a table placed before them, they were enjoying their lunch. Up until one of them, a woman with the most beautiful blue hair with whites at the tips, perked up in her seat.

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