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The hooded chracter strode through the forest, tears in his eyes. The skeleton tripped over a protruding tree root, falling on its face. He silently grunted in pain, and then he got up from the ground closing his eyes to the rays of the sun penetrating through the crown of trees. He sighed softly as he continued walking. He felt his leg hurt, so she tried not to strain it.

"Encre? Encre where are you?" He began to call his dear friend's name.

"Song, here I am!" Suddenly the answer reached the skeleton's ears.

"It's good that I found you, where have you been these last days?"

"I had to go to another city to buy more painting supplies, there is little choice here."

  Songe was well aware that Encre was painting. He was, after all, a respected and popular painter from France, but he was not rich, because he painted for quite a modest price.
  Songe always thought that Encre paints like no one else, so great... Even though Songe was a vampire and Encre was a mortal, they got along well. Nobody actually knew about his friendship with the painter

"Oh and, don't mind my leg, I just stumbled looking for you..." The vampire quietly admitted, clearly as Encre was about to say something.

"It's good that you tell me, not like Cruzar or Azure" He patted his friend on the shoulder. "Maybe you'd better roll up, Eterna will come and it will be"

"Okay, see you Encre!"

"See you later Songe"

  After saying goodbye, they left


So this, here is a book written by me in English. I don't think it's great, but it's there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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