"Senjuro's Hilarious Brush with Popularity"

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Senjuro Rengoku was having an ordinary day in junior high academy when suddenly, his life took a hilarious turn. It all started when the word got out that his older brother, Kyojuro Rengoku, was going to be the class history substitute teacher. Kyojuro was originally the history teacher for the prestigious Kimetsu Highschool Academy students, and he was wildly popular because he was just so cool and well-liked.

As soon as the news spread through the academy, a wave of excitement swept over the students, especially the junior high first years. Among them were Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo, who had been secretly admiring Senjuro from afar. They couldn't believe their luck that they might finally have a chance to talk to him, given that he was the younger brother of their beloved teacher's substitute.

The morning of Kyojuro's guest lecture arrived, and the junior high academy students were buzzing with anticipation. Senjuro, who had no idea about the crushes blooming around him, entered the classroom with a shy smile. His classmates couldn't help but nudge each other and exchange excited whispers.

Naho, a bright-eyed first-year, gathered her courage and approached Senjuro. "Um, hi Senjuro. I heard your brother is teaching our history class today. That's so cool!"

Senjuro chuckled nervously, "Yeah, it's quite a surprise for me too."

Just as Naho was about to continue the conversation, Makomo and Sabito, who had been silently observing the situation, appeared out of nowhere. They struck dramatic poses and declared in unison, "We are Senjuro's bodyguards!"

Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo were taken aback, their jaws dropping in disbelief. "Bodyguards?" Sumi squeaked.

Senjuro, not wanting to embarrass the well-meaning Makomo and Sabito, just smiled and apologized to the girls. "I'm really sorry about this. They can be a bit overprotective sometimes."

The girls exchanged glances, trying to process the situation. Poor Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo, who had been hoping for a romantic encounter, now found themselves in an absurd comedy.

As the day went on, Makomo and Sabito continued their "bodyguard" duties, standing by Senjuro's side, occasionally pretending to fend off imaginary threats with exaggerated martial arts moves. Senjuro, in an attempt to save face, played along, making the situation even more comical.

Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo watched the spectacle with a mixture of amusement and bewilderment. Naho whispered to Sumi, "I think we might be in the middle of some kind of bizarre comedy show."

Sumi nodded in agreement, unable to hold back a giggle. "At least we get to spend time with Senjuro, even if it's in the strangest way possible."

Kiyo chimed in, "I have to admit, this is way more entertaining than a regular history class."

As the day came to an end, Kyojuro Rengoku wrapped up his guest lecture, and the junior high academy students reluctantly said goodbye to Senjuro, Makomo, and Sabito. They couldn't stop laughing about the absurdity of the day.

Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo, despite not getting the chance to have a deep conversation with Senjuro, were entertained and intrigued by the whirlwind of events. They realized that sometimes, unexpected comedic moments could be just as memorable as romantic ones.

And so, in the midst of history lessons and bodyguard antics, Senjuro Rengoku's popularity soared among the junior high academy students. Little did he know that his day, filled with laughter and bizarre encounters, had left a lasting impression on Naho, Sumi, Kiyo, and everyone who had witnessed the comical chaos that had unfolded.

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