Re-revolution pt.1

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Third Person POV

March 3rd, 1925, Paris, 'Neva' Club.

"Pff.." Count Leopold spilled out his drink. " It's water, not vodka!"
" I need all of you to be sober. This is very delicate matter, we need to be discreet." [Y/N] sat by the table in the middle of the room, so everyone could see and hear her. She asked Lily to invite everyone of the Russian aristocrats for a meeting she planned today. She wanted to share her plan with them. Dimitri and Polina also came. Even Siergiey wanted to help his sister, so he took another trip to Paris. Unfortunately, Hanna couldn't come with him, because the baby could be born any day now...

" The reason why I asked all of you to gather here today, are the news." [Y/N] started. " His royal Highness, King of Spain, Alfonso XIII, offered his help in fight with Bolsheviks!" People started to cheer. "BUT..." [Y/N] continued." We cannot just wait for them to do all the job for us! We're aristocrats, are we not?! For some reason, those titles were granted to us! Let's show that we deserve it!"
" We're not soldiers. We don't know how to fight. " Count Leopold started.
" Then fight in other ways! Use your contacts to help get the Bolsheviks out! Donate money! There really is A LOT we can do! We just have to start!
" But we're good in here..." Another one mumbled.
" Are you?" [Y/N] asked. " Or are you just afraid to take a chance?" She stood up and looked around at all the people. " See where we are? It's France. This country is famous for people who fought for their freedom! What are they supposedly thinking looking at us?! Aristocrats, with money, sitting flat on their bums! Do you know why there was revolting in France ?! Because royals and aristocrats were doing the same! Only minding their own business, not caring about anything else! And now our people got tricked!That's why all this is happening in Russia! Let's not make the same mistake! Let's act as real aristocrats should!  Let us fight for our home! Our land! Our people! OUR Russia!" Everyone looked at her, in shock and disbelief. Polina and Dimitri stood up and began to clap. Then, Siergiey, Vlad and Lily joined in... Soon, all the room was filled with sound of the sound of applause.
" No more living in the land of yesterday!" [Y/N] shouted through the applause. " Starting from today we'll live in the land of tomorrow!"


Siergiey: Do you hear our voices sing for every woman,child and man?It is the song that's sang for people who will not be slaves again...

Lily: Do you hear our voices sing? Good hearts beat louder than war's drums... There is new life about to start when tomorrow comes...

Vlad: Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me?

Polina: Beyond Iron Curtain, is there a world you long to see?

Dimitri : Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free!

All the aristocrats: Do you hear our voices sing for every woman, child and man? It is the song we sing for people who we won't desert again! Do you hear our voices sing? Good hearts beat louder than war's drums! It is the future that we'll bring when tomorrow comes!

[Y/N]: We've got chance... We have survived thanks to greatest grace of Lord... Let's not take this chance for granted, Let us stand strong, proud and bold! That chain will be broken and freedom will be the reward!

[Y/N], Siergiey, Dimitri, Lily,Vlad, Polina & all the aristocrats: They will hear our voices sing, for every woman, child and man! It is the song, we sing for people who we won't desert again! They will hear our voices sing! Good hearts beat louder than war's drums! It is the future that we'll bring, when tomorrow comes!

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